He loves a little extra-Hayes

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So I decided I would do a little something for the girls that aren't model tall and don't have supermodel flat stomachs so hope you like it!

Y/n pov.
First things first I love my body...yeah Yeah go ahead and ask me stupid shit like wouldn't you feel better if you were thin? Or have you considered a healthier diet? First of all fuck you second of all I eat a regular diet I'm not some greasy pig at McDonald's 247 so shut up.

Now that we've cleared that up I gotta get to school! I jumped from my bed and ran into the bathroom to brush my teeth and do all the other hygene essentials. After that I walked over to my closet to find something to wear. I pulled out a black short sleeve cropped top a pair of skinny jeans and a flannel

(She so cute! 😭)I put on my outfit and started working on my kinky curly hair (sorry if you dont have curly hair lol) and straightened it out so it was smooth and ready

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(She so cute! 😭)
I put on my outfit and started working on my kinky curly hair (sorry if you dont have curly hair lol) and straightened it out so it was smooth and ready. Zayuuumm I would marry myself. I smiled happy with my appearance and walked downstairs to make myself a waffle. "Mornin mom". My mom looked up from her laptop. "Morning sweetie you look good today". I smiled. Mom is always complimeting me. She says she's jealous because she's stick thin and I'm......well not.

I stuck two waffles in the toaster and leaned on the counter waiting. " how are your grades? Is school going well?" I nodded. "Yeah schools fine I have a d in Mr Portland's stupid class but I'll get it fixed." She nodded. "You better get that grade up y/n". She said in a loud tone. (My mom asf)

"I know mom". The waffles popped out I set them on a plate and grabbed my big ass jar of nutella from the counter (sorry if you hate nutella) . "They'll be all good." She nodded and went back to typing. I spread it over my waffles and started munching on them. My little 5 year old sister came in. "Mornin y/n Mornin mama". I hmmed since my mouth was full. "Morning y/s/n". My mom said ruffling her messy hair. I finished up my waffles and set the plate in the sink. "I gotta go bye love you!" I ran out of the house and jogged slowly down the corner to my bus stop. I was just in time bruh I got on the crusty dusty bus and sat in the back. "Aye ma lemmie holla at you". I look up to see this fine ass boy looking at me and biting his lip.

But he really looks like a fuck boy licking his lips at me like I'm fucking dinner. The hell? He was getting too damn close. "Hell nah fuck out my face". Ok so maybe I'm a little rude but this boy don't want nothing but the kitty. He smacked his lips at me. "Alright then fuck you you ain't nothing but a little fat ass hoe anyways". Oh he'll nah tf did this bitch just say?

I looked him dead in the eye. "Excuse me fuck boy you wanna run that by me again???" He sneered at me. "I said you ain't nothing but a little- ah fuck!" Before he could even finish that sentence again I kicked him in the balls. "Yeah bitch talk shit now". I smacked him upside his head and sat back down as his friends who were laughing their asses off helped him back to his seat. The bus driver had a grin on his face as he started driving he gave me a thumbs up.

We pulled up to the school and all got off the bus. My friends were waiting for me in the front. "HEYYY!" I waved to them. "Girl why the hell was fuckboy Nelson holding his dick like he was dying?" I laughed. "He was tryna get at me so naturally I said no then he called me a fat ass bitch and you know I dont play that so I kicked him in the nuts." They stared at me blankly before they started laughing. "Pfftt hahaha girl I swear you be doing the funniest shit.". I shrugged. "He needed an ass beating anyways". We talked till the morning bell rang

Time skippp
Y/n pov
I took my usual seat in the back of my math class aka bullshit class! Mr Portland sat on his desk with a mean ass expression on his face. I rolled my eyes and went back to looking down at my phone. "Class we have a new student why don't you introduce yourself". I didn't pay any attention. "Uh hi I'm hayes grier".

I jumped at a deep voice. I looked up to see a fine ass boy standing awkwardly in the front of the class. He had really nice blue eyes making me melt damn! I looked around at the class some of the really pretty girls were batting their fake eyelashes at him im not gonna lie them eyelashes are fake!

"Alright mr grier have a seat next to y/n over there y/n raise your hand". I raised my hand and he looked at me. I could have sworn this guys eyes went lower but I brushed it off. One he's white and probably don't like black/mixed/Mexican (You choose) girls and two I'm a big girl this mf look like lunch to me. (Lol) "hey". I gave him one of my signature smiles. "Hi". He cleared his throat awkwardly.

"U-um I'm hayes." I giggled. " I know pftt you told us your name remember?" He laughed. "Y-Yeah I guess I just get nervous around beautiful girls." Ill he called me beautiful can I marry him lord? I grinned. "Thanks and no need to be nervous I dont bite...well unless you try taking my food then I'll bite you". He laughed.

A small folded paper was thrown towards us. I picked it up and opened it since it had my name one it. Stop talking to him he doesn't like your fatass anyways. I laughed and crumpled it up tossing it on the ground. I turned to Hayes with a huge plan in my mind.

"Hey hayes do you mind if I do something really crazy?" He gave me a look and shook his head. "Uh no go ahead y/n". I smirked and grabbed his face "what are yo-mmph". I smushed my lips on his cutting him off.

I pulled back quickly and let him to sending a smirk over towards the fuming bitches. "Sorry bout that hayes". He was still shaken. "Uh uh...I'm taking you on a date!" I looked at him wide eyed.

"Uh yeah ok give me your phone." He handed it to me under the table I typed in my number. "Ok call me". Just as I handed him his phone back the bell rang for the end of school. I got up and walked out. I was stopped at the class doorway by Hayes. DAMN I had to look up that's how tall he was. "One more thing". He leaned down and kissed me again. Huh I guess we don't waste time with all that other shit. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him back. He pulled back. "As fun as this is we have an audience. " I turned around and saw my friends smirking at me. "Ok ok I'll see you". He kissed my forhead and he went to catch his bus as I turned to my friends. "Ok we want every detail".

DAMN that escalated quickly didn't it haha💅 lmao hope you liked this one if you want me to do more like this I will

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