he cheats-derek luh

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Hi again! I'm am back with anotha one now I know originally Derek ain't even in magcon or omaha but lol he cute so im gonna do it I'll do a whole section of the boys cheating. But I'm gonna make him an asshole srryyyy😂

Y/n pov
Me and Derek have been dating for two years. The first year we were fine and there wasn't any problems. But this year we've been arguing he keeps accusing me of cheating when I hang out with skate or the jacks. That's fucking stupid because id never cheat on him and he knows it.

I sat on my couch waiting for Derek to come home the food I made for him was cold because I made it fucking 4 hours ago! I check the time it's 2 in the morning. I sighed. And called skate. "Hey y/n what's up? Why you calling so late." He sounds like he just woke up.  "Sorry skate I just...do you know where Derek is?"

A huge sigh came from the phone. "Nah I don't sorry lil mama you need me to come over?" I smiled he's always tryna help me. "No it's ok I'll be fine skate go back to sleep you need to rest". He shuffled around. "Alright but call me if you need me okay". I hmmed and we hung up. I went and put his plate away since he's obviously not going to eat it.

The locks clicked and I looked up to see Derek stumbling in drunk as hell. Oh hell no this bitch ass hoe did not go out drinking and have the balls to stumble in drunk. "Derek! What the hell! Where have you been?" He groaned and looked at me. "Jeez shut up". Oh no this little bitch ass nigga didnt.

"Excuse me!? You come into the house at 2 in the morning drunk! And then tell me to shut up have you lost your mind?" He threw his jacket on the floor and took off his shoes. "Psh whatever that's why I cheated on your nagging ass." He was about to walk upstairs.

But hell nah that ain't happening. "You cheated on me! You dick!" I dragged his ass back downstairs by his collar and threw him on the floor aggressively.

"Who the fuck was she!" I said smacking him so hard his ancestors probably felt it. He spat and stood up. "Don't fucking hit me". He slurred out. I laughed coldly. "Or what bitch!" I punched him. His hand cracked down and I was on the floor.

Now I know I provoked him but I ain't no bitch I'm not gonna go down without a fight. I touched my cheek it was already swelling up. "Oh you have no idea what you started." I kicked his legs out from under him and he fell on his back. I quickly crawled over him and just started beating the hell out of him.

"You wanna cheat on me bitch huh?!" I slapped him. He punched me in the face I shook it off and ignored the bloody nose I got. "Fuck you!" He threw me off him and punched me again in the stomach. Oh hell nah. I spat out blood and kicked him in his nuts.

He fell to his knees holding his junk. Now normally you aren't supposed to kick a man when he's down. But this ain't no man. I kicked him over and grabbed my jacket and car keys.

I drove over to skate and the jacks shared apartment. I cut the car off and got out. I quickly knocked on the door. Light spilled out into the doorway. "Y/n? Oh my God! Gilinsky Johnson get down here!"

I felt skate pick me up bridal style and walk me over to the couch. "What's up bro- oh shit y/n!". The jacks ran over to my side. Skate was shaking with rage. "Derek did this didn't he." I chuckled a little. Some blood dropped out of my mouth. "Not without me fucking him up first".

The jacks looked at me with worry. "Skate we'll take her to the hospital you go get his ass I know you want to." Skate stood and stormed out of the house. Johnson picked me up and set me in the car on his lap."Were gonna get you to the hospital y/n". I nodded and passed out.

Skate pov.
I drove over to that bitches apartment and broke through the door. The bitch was lying on the couch like he was the one in pain. "Wake yo ass up!" He grumbled. "I said wake your ass up bitch nigga!" I pushed him off the couch. "Skate wtf man".

He said popping back up. "You wanna hit females huh you little bitch!" I punched him down again. "Fuck you skate!" He said punching me. That shit was so weak it didn't even hurt.  "No fuck you!" I punched him in the stomach. "That's what you did to y/n doesn't feel too good does it!"

He tackled me to the floor punching me in the face. Y/n was hurt, y/n is in the hospital because of this bitch ass boy. I pushed him off and threw his ass on the ground. "Stay the hell away from y/n!" I knocked his ass out. "Lil bitch".  

I drove over to the hospital and ran up to the woman at the desk ignoring the stares I got from my bleeding face. "I'm here for y/n y/l/n she's in the domestic violence case". The lady looked at me. "Her room is 456, you went after that guy didn't you". I nodded. "My husband did the same thing for me when I was around your age". I smiled. "Don't let her go young man". I nodded. "I don't plan on it".

Y/n pov
I sitting in the hospital room alone with my knees tucked under my chin because of the stupid rule that males weren't allowed in the room for the first 30 minutes during a domestic violence case. So the jacks were outside probably. "Miss we can let them in now". I smiled. "Yes please!"

The Jack's stormed in. "Y/n!" I laughed at their enthusiasm. "We got you snacks." They piled about 10 bags of candy and my favorite snacks onto my lap. "Oh and we also got you flowers!" They stuck the roses in my face. "Aww come here!" I hugged them tightly. They both kissed my forhead and sat on the edge of the bed.

We shared the snacks and candy and were just talking and laughing until skate came in with cut on his forhead a split lip and a big bruise on his cheek. "Skate! What the hell did you and Derek fight? Wait who cares about that are you ok?"

He smiled. "I'm fine he can't even pack a punch. Besides you did my job for me". I smiled. "I told you I fucked him up". Skate sighed and sat down. "Aren't you gonna get cleaned up or something?" Skate shrugged. "Nah it's just a scratch". I flicked his head lightly and he jerked back. "Ow okay I'll go get fixed up." I smirked these guys are too much.

Ayeee sorry this wasn't one of those break up-make up situations but hey at least you got in a fight with Derek luh and you won!!!! Woo lemmie know if you like it

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