you meet him when your younger

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Heyyyooo lol I'm back at again with another story!😂 I actually got this idea from another imagine book y'all should check it out the writer is malumsdaughter and the book is called magcon interacial imagines

You and nash are 9 years old and you meet at recess.

Y/n pov.
"Hey babe look! It's a picture of us as kids!" I turned to see my boyfriend nash holding out his phone to show me the picture.

(Lol the little girl is me) I smiled it was a picture of all of us when we were in fifth grade I smiled remembering that day Start flashback

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(Lol the little girl is me)
I smiled it was a picture of all of us when we were in fifth grade I smiled remembering that day

Start flashback

Y/n pov
I was bouncing my ball on the blacktop alone because my old friends said I couldn't play with them anymore. Man this is boring I wish I had a friend. I sighed looking at all the groups of kids with their friends. Oh well. I kept bouncing the ball it bounced off my foot and started rolling away. I chased after it but my shoelace got in the way.  Dang it I should have listened to mama she always said tie your shoe laces! I squeaked and fell on the ground scraping my knee. The kids around me laughed I fought the urge to cry and held my knee. "Move!" I looked up to see a boy with bright blue eyes and dark hair come up to me. "Are you ok?" I sniffled aand nodded. He held a hand out to me. I took it and he pulled me up. By now the kids were teasing him and making kissy faces at him. I felt my anger rise up. "Shut up you stupid babies go find somebody else to pick on!" They all ran my mama taught me that having some base in your tone can save your life. The boy laughed. "Thanks but I didn't care what they thought anyways." I shrugged. "They deserved my yelling". He smiled. "I'm Hamilton but I wanna be called nash cause I don't like Hamilton". I nodded. "Okay nash I'm y/n". He smiled brighter. "You have a pretty name". I felt my face heat up. "Errr thanks, you have pretty eyes!" I blurted out dang it I didn't wanna say that! "Thanks". He was red faced I smiled. "S-so uh you wanna come play with me?" I nodded he took my hand and we walked towards his other friends. "Hey guys this is y/n she's playing with us". I smiled awkwardly and waved. They all came up to me that were a little bit taller so they stood over my height. "Hi I'm Matt this is Shawn that's cam and those two are jack and jack".




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Jack and jack-

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Jack and jack-

I'm surrounded by boys! But they're nice! "Its nice to meet you!" I smiled big

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I'm surrounded by boys! But they're nice! "Its nice to meet you!" I smiled big. "So what are we playing?" They all started running. "Tag your it!" I grinned I so run faster than them.  I ran after nash first tapping him on the head. "No your it! Haha". I ran away from him. He chased after me but I was too fast. "You'll never get me!" He ran faster man he really wants to catch me. He finally tackled me down and the rest of the boys joined until it was just a big dog pile. The bell rang and all the kids were running towards the lines. "You wanna be my bestfriends?" I asked hopeful. "Yeah! Your cool!"

I can't believe that was ten years ago wow I smiled. "We were bestfriends". He smiled tossing his phone on the couch and cupping my chin. "I like to think I was your favorite". I giggled. "Hmmm maybe maybe not". He pulled me closer and crushed his lips onto mine we pulled away after a few seconds. "Oh your definitely my favorite". He growled low and picked me up so my legs were around his waist. I squealed happily as he led me upstairs for some less childish games-❤❤❤❤

Okay Idk why but this is my favorite! Bruh😁 I hope you liked it it's supposed to be race neutral so I didn't put anything that hinted any specific race well except for the picture of me but that's about it

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