you meet at a store part 3 -Sammy

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Y/n pov
It's been 7 months since I met Sammy he's dating stassie now and instead of becoming super close I guess we sort of drifted apart. I hang out with the jacks more than I do him although we'll talk from time to time.

"cupcakes!" I looked up that was Johnson's nickname for me. "Sup jj". He plopped himself on the couch. Right now I was hanging at his house with him Jack g and madison, gs girlfriend. "You seem lost". I laugh a little. one thing I can say about Johnson was he could read me like a book. "Nah I'm good just thinking about how we all met." Johnson laughed. "The first thing you said to me was 'I love you!'" . I groaned remembering that horrible slip up. "I liked your music okay! Don't remind me!" He was still laughing his ass off fuckin white boy. I whacked his head and headed to the kitchen.

"Hey j!  What you wanna eat?" He yelled something but I couldnt hear. "What!" He walked in the kitchen. "I said can you make homestyle". I grinned homestyle was a code word for my famous chicken, mash potatoes and fruit salad. It was my grandma's recipe for success. I nodded. "Help me peel potatoes Johnson". He obliged grabbing a bunch and washing them. "I'm gonna play music JJ". He nodded focusing on peeling. I shook my head and went to his sterio hooking up my phone and play 'stay by rihanna branchez remix'

"Yaasssss". J yelled from the kitchen. I luaghed and got back to work.

"Ok all done!"  I had everything spread out on Johnson's table. Me and Johnson looked at it with pride. "And this is why we could be the best cooking show hosts ever!" I nodded, patting his back. "Your my little student".  He laughed. "Hey I'm definitely not little one time I made a girl s-". I held my hands over my ears. "Ewww way more than I needed to hear Johnson!" He patted my head. "Poor innocent y/n". Pfft that's a lie if he could read my mind he'd run.

I smiled then looked at my ruined clothes. "Aww man I really liked this shirt!" "Hey Johnson I'm gonna go change be right back". I went upstairs to his and gilinksys guest room where I kept some extra clothes from our sleepovers. I threw on my giraffe onesie

 I threw on my giraffe onesie

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And walked back downstairs. To find Sammy with Jack g, Madison, Jack j, skate, and matt. No stassie huh weird he brought her everywhere. I made louder noises to signify my arrival. Everybody's eyes stayed on me. Madison piped up. "Uhh y/n why are you wearing a girafe onsie?" I smiled big making my eyes close. "Cuz I love onesies". I skipped to the dining room. "Come on guys I know your hungry!" The boys were wrestling their way through the door although Sammy stayed behind just walking slowly. Madison skipped in. "Thanks y/n!" I nodded "Johnson helped too". she sat next to gilinsky.

"Yeah...thanks". I turned to see Sammy his eyes were slightly swolen and he had a frown etched on his face. "Sammy are you-". He shook his head stopping me from asking. "Its just that me and stassie aren't doing too well." Man I suck at relationship advice. I pulled him into a side hug and led him to the table. "Well just eat some food and think about depressing things later". He nodded smiling a little. I pinched his cheek lightly. "See your already starting." We sat down and started eating.

After we finished I put skate and matt on cleaning duty. Since I'm lazy😊. Now all of us were in Johnson's room watching y/f/m (aka your favorite movie) I was squeezed on the bed between Matt and skate. Sammy was in the corner completely engrossed in his phone. I felt bad for him images of how we met flashed through my mind. "Jesus of holy fudgecake your hot!" "Sup ms. Fabulous"  "besides you guys know I have a thing for stassie" I never had a chance with him. A cracking sound brought me out of my thoughts. I looked to the source. Sammy had thrown his phone across the room. He stormed out slamming the door behind him. G was about to get up but I stopped him. "I'll go". He nodded settling back down.

I found Sammy in the guest room I sleep in. He was huddled on the blankets. I knocked on the open door lightly. "GO AWAY!" I flinched at his tone. "Sammy?" He lifted his head. "Y/n?" I nodded walking to the bed. "Sammy what happened? This isn't like you". He pulled the blankets off and sat up. "I dumped her after she told me she was cheating." (Lol remeber I dont hate stassie shes probably a very sweet girl this just helps the story) I was dumbstruck why would anybody cheat on Sammy? He's amazing!

"Oh Sammy I'm sorry". I pulled him into a hug he pulled me closer resting his head on my shoulder I felt little drops on my onesie. He's actually crying....oh I'm gonna kill her...but I've never met her pfft whaever she's dead after this!

Oh my gosh I've just realized how long these Sammy chapters are😷 oh well I freaking love Sammy😋 but anyways part 4 will be the last and as always hope you liked it byeeee🙌

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