you get pregnant-carter

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Your son^^^^^ C.J reynolds

Y/ns pov
I stared at the three all positive test results and freaked out. What am i gonna do?! Im only 16 my mom and dad are bound to kick me out what about carter how do i tell him?

"Ugh this cant be happening". I sighed grabbing my phone

You- hey baby i need to tell you something wanna hang out at yours?

Bae👲❤-yeah of course babe ill pick you up in thirty 😚

I got dressed in my grey pullover black sweat pants and put a beanie over my messed up hair.

I got dressed in my grey pullover black sweat pants and put a beanie over my messed up hair

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I wasnt up for a full face of make up so i put on some mascara and strawberry lip balm. "Ok all good".

Bae👲❤-babe im here come outside.

I shoved my phone in my pocket and came out of my house. Carter waited by the car.

"Hey love wheres my kiss?" I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek.

"Uh uh you are not giving me that half assed kiss c'mere". Her grabbed my waist pulling me closer.

We pulled away and he opened the car door for me as always and ran over to the drivers seat

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We pulled away and he opened the car door for me as always and ran over to the drivers seat.

I surfed through the radio stations almost forgetting the importance of what i was about to tell my 18 year old boyfriend.

I felt the fear rising in my stomach....or was it vomit yep its vomit.

he just parked the car in his driveway before I ran out and puked my whole lunch in a bush.

"Oh my god babe are you ok!" Yeah that would be a no your underaged pregnant girlfriend is not ok. I said nothing, i let him pick me up bridal style and carry me into his apartment

He set me down on the bathroom sink .

"Here im gonna go get some pepto you stay here babe." I nodded and rinsed the taste of puke out of my mouth with water.

Moments later carter came back with the pink bottle of pepto bismol. "Here babe take this it should help your tummy feel better". I drunk it and gave him back the little cup.

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