he saves you-Matt

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I hath foundeth the holy grail of pictures!^^^^^I've actually been there lol

Y/n pov. (You're walking your dogs)
I was walking my dog, matt while holding my kitten buttercup to my chest. She cant walk right just yet but I wanted her to get some air so I stuffed her in my shirt and clipped Matt on a leash.

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Okay so maybe I'm a bit of an animal maniac don't judge

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Okay so maybe I'm a bit of an animal maniac don't judge. I strolled down my neighborhood sidewalk with my baby practically dragging me. meanwhile buttercup fell asleep in my shirt. I smiled ah how I love animals. Matt was pulling pretty hard on his leash as he was pulling harder making me walk faster.....Snap....Oh shit! My leash snapped and matt broke free running like a mad man....or.....dog....whatever not the point!

" Matt! Come back boy!" I ran after him ignoring the pain of buttercup nails digging into my stomach out of fright.....I still love animals. "Matt! Matt baby come back here!" I ran right in the middle of the road not noticing the car coming at me.

"HEY LOOK OUT!" The car swerved but it was still gonna hit me I put my arms up defensively. "Ahhhh!.".........blank
. SIKE!!!!
I was tackled on my back last minute making poor buttercup claw my stomach. Oh and poor me too. I was out of breath and got a good look at who saved my life. He had longish blonde hair and big brown eyes. He looked really familiar......wait a minute.....oh ma lord matthew espinosa saved my life! Score! well maybe not the almost dying part....whatever! He was awkwardly holding himself up with his arms to avoid crushing me. Pleaseee crush mee.

The driver broke out of the car and ran towards us her flats were clapping the ground. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I didn't see you this is my first time driving alone are you two alright?" I nodded attempting to get myself up. She gasped at me. "Oh my God your pregnant! I hit a pregnant woman!" I gave her a look before looking down. "What....oh OH! No no no no no I'm not pregnant this is my cat". Now they gave me a look. I lifted my shirt revealing little buttercup nessled there looking around terrified. Some claw marks were bleeding. But I paid them no mind. "Oh whew thank god or we would have had a much bigger issue." I nodded "trust me im ok thanks to him". I said smiling at matthew.

I took buttercup off my stomach and held her lightly to calm her down. I turned to my hero. "Thank you so much! I would probably be dead if it weren't for you...". He nodded brushing off his clothes. " it was my pleasure to save such a pretty lady and her cat but why the heck were you running in the street!"

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