Thick with some attitude!- shawn

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Hello Hello helloooooooo!

Lmao I know I did Shawn already but this is a request from Bubbleseverafter 👊and I shall deliver if anyboy else wants a personal story slide in my dms! Lmao

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Lmao I know I did Shawn already but this is a request from Bubbleseverafter 👊and I shall deliver if anyboy else wants a personal story slide in my dms! Lmao

Kawayneas pov
"Hey kawa me and my other friends are having a pool party and youuu are invited".my bestfriend mahogany was chilling with me at my house. "Ok who all's gonna be there?" She grinned. "The boys including my bae jacob". (JOX FOR LIFE!) I nodded. "The boys?" Mahogany shrugged. "Just some friends of mine."

I sat on my bed with fifty thousand piles of bathing suits fuckin everywhere I have no idea what to wear! I grumpily decided on a black bathing suit

I sat on my bed with fifty thousand piles of bathing suits fuckin everywhere I have no idea what to wear! I grumpily decided on a black bathing suit

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I pulled on some shorts and a hoodie and put my hair into a bun. "Hey kawa you ready?" I walked out and slipped on some flats. "Yup let's go". Mahogany skipped to the car and we both got in immediately turning on the music. "Kawa! It's our song! Yasss! It was her brothers song sorry for party rockin

We sung along to it loudly together

Baby baby baby I'm awful crazy off ciroc off patron shit whatever's tasty!

We stopped singing and just started cracking up for no damn reason. "Oh look were here!" We got out of the car and just walked through the house and out back to the big pool. "Holy shit this place is huge." Mahogany nodded in agreement. "HEY GUYS WE'RE HERE!". The guys all stopped and yelled. "Ayye your here!" Mahogany hugged Jacob and kissed his cheek before pulling back.

I stood here awkward. "Oh right! Kawaynea this is matt, nash, cameron, you know Jacob, Jack j, Jack g, Shawn, and nashs  little brother and sister hayes and skylnn." I nodded. "Nice to meet you guys". Mahogany clapped. "Well now that thats all over with c'mon let's get in the pool!" She pulled off her sun dress and jumped in the pool. Ok here goes nothing I pulled off my shorts and hoodie and kicked off my sandals.

Now is around the time I start getting uncomfortable. I awkwardly sat down on the edge of the pool, stuck my legs in the water and crossed my arms to cover my stomach from veiw. Now don't get me wrong I absolutely love my body. I just don't like showing it off that much.

"Aren't you gonna get in?" I turned to see a cute boy I think his name was Shawn looking up at me from the water. "Uh no I'll just stay here it's Shawn right?" He nodded. "That's my name and come on just jump in". His elbow brushed my thigh slightly and gave me goosebumps.

"Um ok fine I'll get in." I pushed myself off the edge and fell in. Damnit it's cold ugh! I popped back up breathing in air like a dying walrus. "Why didn't you tell me it was cold!" I splashed him in the face. He laughed. "Relax it's not even cold!" I glared at him standing with my arms around myself. "Your really pretty". I looked at him sideways.

"Well that came out of nowhere but thanks". I smiled my mood is lifted! I smirked and splashed a mountain of water at him and dunked underwater to swim away. But before in could a pair of arms around my waist stopped me.

He pulled me above water easily. What the fudge! Before I could even blink a big wave of water hit my face. "Oh it's on!" I splashed him again and we kept splashing eachother back and forth.

We finally got out after they finished the food I dried off and put on my shorts and hoodie

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We finally got out after they finished the food I dried off and put on my shorts and hoodie. Before I could walk in Shawn stopped me. "Hey kawaynea you...uh do you want to go out sometime?" I smirked at him.

"Hmm I will....if You can pick me up". of course I was kidding He smiled. "GUYS COME OUT HERE REALLY QUICK!" everybody came out. "Kawaynea here says she'll go out with me if I can pick her up." I felt my face heat up. Hell he can't pick me up I know he can't no ones ever been able to pick me up. "Pfft I gotta get a video of this hold on".

Mahogany grabbed her phone and started recording. "Okay okay go!" Shawn grabbed my legs and hoisted me over his shoulder. I screamed and kicked a little. "Okay okay put me down!" He laughed. "Nope!" He freaking started running. I'm gonna die! "Shawn if you don't put me down I swear!" He laughed as he set me down on the pool chair.

"Now you gotta go out with me". I crossed my arms and smiled. "Fine!" Everybody yelled and clapped Shawn on the back. I laughed. Well I guess I owe Shawn a date.

Ayee I hope you liked it kawaynea I know it was short lol and if anyone else wants one let me know!😄 also look at this lmao this is my life

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