crushED -nate

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Y/n pov
I was chillin with my best friend y/bf/n when he walked by. No this isn't some cheesy love story. This is the story of what really happens when you crush on somebody. This is the story of how I got crushed.

7 years earlier
"Get in loser we're going shopping". I laughed and hopped into y/bf/n car. "Nice mean girls reference it's so fetch". Y/bf/n beat the steering wheel from laughing so hard. "Stop saying fetch y/n Its not going to happen!"

We laughed the entire way to the mall. Y/bf/n put on her sunglasses to make herself look 'badass' I shook my head at her and we got out of her car. We were going on a shopping spree. our parents gave us the money as a graduation gift. We were digging it. "Oooh y/n let's go try on some stuff!" She dragged me into the shop and we browsed around picking out some cute outfits. Y/bf/n ran into the dressing room. "Oh my God yes! Y/n! Look". She came out in

(Pic your fav color)My eyes widened bestfriend got me turning gay fr she looked bomb

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(Pic your fav color)
My eyes widened bestfriend got me turning gay fr she looked bomb. "Girrrrrl buy it like don't even think about it just buy that shit". She laughed and ran back to change out of it. I eyed my dress should I try this on? Yeah boi! I grabbed a dressing room closed the curtain and started changing. "Y/n! Hurry up I wanna see that fabulousness!" I smirked and walked out "so?"

 "Y/n! Hurry up I wanna see that fabulousness!" I smirked and walked out "so?"

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(I couldn't decide between these two so you decide)

"Oh ma gawd girl if you don't buy this I'll murder you!" I went back and changed and we bought the outfits

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"Oh ma gawd girl if you don't buy this I'll murder you!" I went back and changed and we bought the outfits.

Time skip fam!
Y/n pov
We legit shopped for 3 more hours me and y/bf/n were now in matching outfits carrying a ton of bags.

"I'm hungry bitch hurry up!" Y/bf/n yelled at me from 10 feet away

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"I'm hungry bitch hurry up!" Y/bf/n yelled at me from 10 feet away. I sped up as we literally ran to panda express. I wasn't looking where I was going...big mistake I ran right into a poor victim.we crashed to the floor.

Oh shit he's fine. He had black hair and blue eyes. DAMN I'm ready! You run from niggas like this! But I'm a nice person so I stayed. "Oh crap I'm sorry! Are you ok?" He nodded sitting up. "I'm fine lil mama". Oh shit my knees! I'm weak! Thank God im black so he can't see this blush!

"Uh um here let me help you." I held out my hand and pulled him up. He towered over my short/tall ass. (lmao some of us are tall so this is for y'all😗) I grabbed my bags piling them on my arms. "Those look heavy". No shit Sherlock. He grabbed half of them from me.

"O-oh you don't have to do that!" He shook his head. "Don't stress baby". If this nigga don't stop calling me these names ima have a heart attack! "Ok thank you". We reached the table where y/bf/n was sitting stuffing her face full of orange chicken. She looked up at me with her mouth full and raised her brow pointing at him.

"This is... Um what's your name?" He chuckled setting down my bags. "Its nate but people just call me skate." I nodded. Y/bf/n waved half heartedly and went back to eating. She doesn't socialize unless she's fed. "Skate huh? Well you want some panda?" He nodded. And we walked over to the line. "So what's your name crazy girl who bumped into me". So much for cute names. I punched his arm. "It was an accident! And it's y/n". He laughed then smirked devilishly. "I like babygirl better".
. Three months lataaaaa (^_^)
Y/n pov.
Me and skate have been talking for three freaking months and his fineness still ain't worn off. "Hey babygirl wanna hang out at the club later with me and the guys?" Now just to let you know we're still friends this asshole just likes to call me babygirl. "Yeah I'm down as long as you order pizza". He chuckled. "You always wanting pizza damn". I shrugged. "What can I say I'm hungry". (An:HUNGRY FOR THAT D! Lmao I had to)

Time skippp a few hours later
Y/n pov.
I decided to wear my dress I bought three months back when I met skate cuz I looked fine asf in that dress. I worked on my eyebrows because art takes time.

"You ready yet babygirl!?" I walked out grabbing my purse and checking one last thing on my face before meeting him in the living room. "Yup I'm ready!" He didn't go all you look amazing. Or nothing sappy and romantic like I wanted! He looked me up and down and walked up to me and smacked my ass harder than life smacked me. I yelped and reflexively grabbed my butt. "Asshole!" He held his hands up defensively while laughing. "Sorry baby I had too". I grumbled and walked out to the car.
Two hours later*spongebob voice*
Y/n pov
Everything was blurry and the room was spinning. Holy shit! I stumbled towards some guy sloppily kissing him he kissed back but it sucked and he tasted like tobacco and smelled weird. I tried to pull away but he didn't let me go. I felt super dizzy I couldn't fight him off.

Skates pov.
I walked around and saw y/n trying to fight off this sleaze bag that was kissing her. My anger buzzed I ran up and punched the hell out of him pulling y/n into my arms. She passed out. Oh fuck. I tossed her over my shoulder and walked out of the club. She stirred. "Mmm skate?" I placed her in the front seat. "Yeah babygirl?" She giggled hicupping. "Your hot". I shook my head she's definitely too drunk.

I patted her thigh and hopped in the drivers seat driving her to her house. "Hey skate?" I kept my eyes on the road. "What's sup lil mama?" She leaned over to me. "Do you think im *hic* pretty?" I thought about it yeah y/n was pretty hell she was dropdead gorgeous! She won't remember if I tell her. "Your the sexiest, hottest chick in the world baby". She went into a fit of giggles and leaned in closer to me. "Yay! *hic* cuz I think your hot too". I nodded thinking this was the end. Y/n wasn't finished I felt her fumble with my pants.

"What the hell! Y/n stop!" She stopped and pouted at me her eyes full of tears. "You don't like me?" Aw crap. "no of course I like you!" She smiled and got my junk out sloppily jerking it. I swerved the car violently. "Shit!" I quickly righted the car y/n was full on sucking me off. I pulled into her driveway, cutting the car. "Y/n stop". She giggled and shook her head going back down. Goddamnit.......

Ima make a part 2 don't worry! Hope you liked this one sorry if skate doesn't talk much or if hes out of character I don't know him well. Until next time😙

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