your teacher-Shawn

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Aaaaaaand I'm back at it again with the new chapters!

Shawn pov
I was sleeping and having that good dream you don't want to wake up from "yes I will marry you Beyonce". when my phone spazzed out. I groaned oh come on really! I answered. "Hello?"


I sat up and was immediately alert. 

"Y/n? Y/n what's wrong!"

I yanked on a shirt and jacket and shoved my feet into some shoes.

"I-I need you to pick me up".

I was already out the door and in my car.

"Where are you?"

I heard some sniffles and started my car up.

"I'm really scared shawn".

She was sobbing over the line and my fear clenched deep in my chest.

"Y/n calm down where are you?"

She was hyperventilating.

"I don't know I don't know he-he drove me to the mountains and-ahh!"

"Y/n?! Y/n!!"

"I'm sorry I'm fine I'm fine".

I let out a relieved breath.

"Ok I'll be right there stay put."

I didn't want to hang up in fear that she might get hurt. So I hooked my phone up to my car and kept her on the line.

"Everything's gonna be fine y/n I'm coming now tell me what happened".

She sniffled and sobbed over the phone.

"I Um I went on that date with the guy I liked *sniff* a-and he was pressuring me to have sex with him and when I said no he blew up and kicked me out of his car and drove off."

I felt my anger boil in my stomach what kind of sick and twisted guy would leave an innocent girl up in the mountains by herself.

"What's this guy's name?"

She sniffled again and I heard some crumbling footsteps.

"Jack gilinsky".

I narrowed my eyes I had that guy in my 2 period class he's a dickwad with no respect for females he refers to them as toys you play with and get bored with after while. He's bad news I thought y/n would have noticed that being as street smart as she is.

We continued to talk after a few minutes y/n calmed down I finally pulled up to the local mountaintop I only know it because every guy knows this spot is 'cash gold for the ladies' my uncles words.

I squinted my eyes trying to see y/n
I turned on my head lights and saw a small huddled figure by the bush.
I quickly scrambled out of my car.     "Y/n!" I ran over to her. She jumped on me almost knocking me over. I hugged her back, she felt good in my arms, I smiled and sneaked a quick kiss on her head. Man I'm creepy.

We finally let go of each other and I wiped a few stray tears from her face. "Thank you!" I gave her a soft smile. I noticed her shivering I quickly pulled off my hoodie and pulled it over her head she gratefully stuck her arms through the huge sleeves and hugged herself.

"Come on let's get in the car it's warmer." She nodded and hurried into the car I swung myself  in the drivers seat. "Alright where do you live?" She froze up. "I-I told my mom I was having a sleepover at a friends she's not expecting me back till the afternoon".

I furrowed my brows. "That's really dangerous y/n I'm not trying to patronize you or anything but you should never go somewhere unless your parents know". She nodded quickly and groaned. "I know I know it was another stupid move made by the one and only y/n". I chuckled

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