crushED part 3-nate

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Hey lovelies! I'm sorry this part 3 is so long overdue I honestly lost the motivation for this imagine  but I owe y'all so ima put my effort in lol

Nate pov
Y/n left me with my boys wow. They stared up at me looking at me like I was an alien. One of em spoke up. "So your our daddy?" I nodded. "Uh yeah". The other slightly shorter one crossed his arms. "What kind of daddy gets mommy's pregnant then shows up 6 years later!" Oh man he's smart he definitely got that from y/n. "Jack don't be rude to daddy!" I patted his head. "I messed up little man but if you'd like I want to be here for you and your mommy now".

He stared at me protective streak was showing in his eyes. Dang he got that over protective part from me if I were him I wouldn't trust me either. Jack and sammy were still at the courtyard shooting some free throws. "I got an idea how bout we go play basketball". They cheered and Jack forgot about his trust issue jumping up and down with his brother. I hoisted jack and jackson up on my shoulders they held onto my head I held on tightly so they wouldn't fall. "So daddy how come mommy doesn't like you". I sighed. "Daddy made mommy mad and now she doesn't like daddy". They ohhh at the same time making me laugh. "But with your help we can get mommy to forgive daddy." They cheered. "We'll help you daddy!" We got to the court I let them down and we started messing around.

Time skipp!

Y/n pov.
It's been 30 minutes....I should probably go check on them. They're  fine no no they are not! I grabbed my car keys and ran out to my car. Oh boy if anything happens to them that asshole is gonna get killed!

I drove into my same parking spot and ran to the playground they were in the distance on the grass feild rolling around with skate. I couldn't help but smile. They're fine and having fun. "MOMMYYY!" they ran over to me knocking me down on the grass. "Ah! Hey babies!" They laughed jumping around me.

Skate came up to me and held his hand out. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. "Your not having any trouble with them right?" He smiled hugging the boys into him they looked so cute like that! "Wait! Do not move!" They stayed still and I took a picture. "Ok now you can move". The twins ran off chasing eachother. "Careful boys!" I yelled after them. "Okay mommy!" They ran faster. Really not my definition of careful.

I bit my lip in worry.  They're fine my little boys are tough. "Y/n?" I stopped chewing on my lip and looked up at him. "Yeah?" He scratched at his neck. "Um here". I looked down at his hands he held out way had to be at least 1,000 in cold cash.

"What the-skate I couldn't accept this!" He grabbed my hand putting the huge wad of money in it and closing my fingers over it. "Yes you can and you will, look babygirl I haven't been here for you in 6 years and no amount of money is gonna fix that but I want to be here for these kids and for you." I felt the tears welling up in my eyes.

"I-Skate I don't know". He looked me in the eyes and held my hand. "Babygirl please". Should I let him back in or should I take my kids and run ugh! I slowly nodded. "Ok skate I'll give you a chance". He sighed out in relief. "Thank you!" He pulled me into a tight hug I gasped as he held me for what seemed like years before he let me go.

"I wanna take you guys shopping". I raised my brow. "Right now?" He shook his head. "No this Saturday, I have to be at the recording studio later but I'll pick you guys up at twelve on Saturday yeah?" I nodded. "Okay skate and thank you really I'm gonna need this". I said holding the money he gave me. "I'd give you my entire wallet if you needed it babygirl".

Time skip Saturday

Y/n pov
I rushed around to get ready the boys were running around the apartment yelling at eachother while I tried to find a decent outfit to wear I finally settled on this

Y/n povI rushed around to get ready the boys were running around the apartment yelling at eachother while I tried to find a decent outfit to wear I finally settled on this

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And put my hair like this

"Boys! Come here so I can get you dressed!"

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"Boys! Come here so I can get you dressed!". They ran in half naked in some boxers on and their hair messed up. Oh boy this is gonna take long.

Thirty minutes later my babies looked good and ready to go.

right on the dot my doorbell rang and I opened the door to skate holding a bouquet of y/fav/flower my favorites he smiled at me

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right on the dot my doorbell rang and I opened the door to skate holding a bouquet of y/fav/flower my favorites he smiled at me. "Hey babygirl I got you these". I narrowed my eyes at him and took the flowers out of his hand. "Thank you". I put them in a vase.

"Boys! Daddy's here!" Their footsteps pattered down our short hallway as they greeted him like they greeted me. "Daddy!" I sighed grabbing Jackson and putting him on my hip while skate held Jack. "Alright babygirl let's go". After buckling up the kids we sat in the front seat and started driving. I leaned my head on the door and started dozing off ignoring the feeling of a hand on my thigh.

Skippin that car rideee!

Skate pov.
I held onto y/n thigh softly so she wouldn't wake up. She looked so damn good but she also looked tired the boys probably keep her running around.

"Alright we're here". I pulled into the closest parking spot and cut the car off. Y/n was still completely out of it. "Hey babygirl wake up". I patted her thigh, she stirred slightly. "Mmm we're here?" I nodded. "Yup you ok ma you look tired out". She stretched and nodded. "I'm fine let's go". She opened the car door grabbing jack and balancing him on her hip. "You ready little man?" She said to him. He smiled and nodded. "Yeah mommy". We walked into the mall catching a few stares from people y/n simply rolled her eyes and kept on talking to Jack he seemed a little too smart to be 6 years old. Jackson was jumping up and down while holding on to my hand. "Oooh daddy can I get this!" He was pointing towards a toy football inside of a store. "Anything for you". Both boys ran into the store with y/n and I behind them. "You know you don't have to buy them loads of toys you being here is enough for them". I chuckled at y/n. "I know babygirl but I want to spoil you guys". She shook her head at me. "I swear you don't give up". She said walking towards the boys. I quickly mumbled "and I never will". She stopped for a second then kept going.

Okayyys there's your chapter for those of you who like this half assed story lol I'm sorryyyy 😢 but I'm gonna do a Nash chapter next! Then I'll come up with a part 4

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