thanksgiving special- Shawn

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Happy thanksgiving! This is just a quick and cute story for the lil muffin man fans

Y/n pov
My bestfriend/roomate Shawn just said he's never had soul food.....that is not happening. "Muffin boy are you spending thanksgiving with your family this year?" He shook his head. "I can't my mom and dad are on a trip and my sister is at my aunts". I nodded. "Your spending thanksgiving with me and my mom".

He looked up from my couch. "Y/n you don't have t-". I shook my head. "Shawn shut your muffin loving ass up you've never had soul food my family loves you and you are going to eat soul food". He pouted. "Your brother hates me". He pointed out. "He doesn't hate you....He just....doesn't like you...".

"Exactly!" I frowned "whatever your still going!" He groaned. "Can't I skip the holidays?" I threw myself on the couch next to him. "You'll have fun I promise". He sighed and nodded.  "yay you'll love it later we'll go to my mom's house." He nodded. "I'm gonna get dressed muffin man".

I got dressed in a burgundy sweater blue jeans and brown boots

(Ignore the scarf)After that I put on eyeliner and brown red lipstick

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(Ignore the scarf)
After that I put on eyeliner and brown red lipstick. I kept the makeup light I'm eating bruh. I walked out into the living room. "Shawn are you ready?" He came out wearing a leather jacket over a navy blue shirt and jeans.

 "Shawn are you ready?" He came out wearing a leather jacket over a navy blue shirt and jeans

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I put my purse over my shoulder. "Hmm looking good Mendes". He grinned grabbing his car keys. "I look good because of you".

skip the car rideeeee

Y/n pov
we pulled up to my mom's house and Shawn stopped the car. I look good because of you...gah he meant that in a friendly way right? I mean there's no way that Shawn would ever like me I'm a gorilla with flawless eyebrows!

We walked up to the door and I knocked I'm so excited to see mom again she was reluctant to let me have a male roomate but once she found out he was my bestfriend and actually met him she was all for it. The door opened and mom's smiling face. "Y/n! I missed you!" She hugged me tightly before letting me go. "Hey Shawn I missed you too come here". She hugged Shawn rocking him a little before letting him go. "Well come in you guys foods on the table!"

Some of my little cousins were sitting at the table jumping in their seat waiting for my mom to bring out the main course so we can start eating. Shawn was in the kitchen helping my mom.

I wonder what's taking them so long? I got up and was about to walk in through the kitchen when I heard "so Shawn do you like y/n?" I stood behind to listen like the little eavesdropping pest I am. "Uh well actually I do ms y/l/n I just don't know what I should do about it I mean y/n is so perfect she can have anybody she wanted I doubt she'd ever like me". Oh how wrong he is. "Shawn you can call me y/m/f/n we're practically related and I think you should tell her my daughter likes you, I can see it in her eyes". I smiled my mom's a life saver.

"Thanks ms.y/l/n- I mean thanks y/m/f/n I'll tell her tonight." I walked back to the table with a giddy smile. My brother looked up at me and gave me his signature 'bitch tf' look. "Why the hell is you smilin all happy for?" I sat down and fixed him with my glare. "Let me be happy!" He raised his hands in surrender. "Aaight damn". I continued on smiling.....Shawn likes me.

Okaysies so that was just a short n simple one lol he didn't even eat the soul food oh well lol I hope you liked it! Have a happy thanks giving!

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