your teacher-Shawn

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Heyy so y'all liked the story I liked the story so I'm gonna do it!

Y/n pov
I stared dreamily off into space thinking of all the food I'm gonna eat when I get out of this hell hole they call prison oh excuse me I meant school.

"Y/L/n!" I jumped out of my daze and looked at my hot math teacher Mr mendes. He was glaring me down. "Can you explain to me why you weren't paying attention?"

I shifted awkwardly. "Sorry Mr. mendes." He went on with his lesson on linear whatever the fuck. Finally the bell rang everyone rushed out the class since this was last period. Until was just me and Mr. Mendes.

I packed my stuff and was about to walk out of the class "not so fast Ms y/L/n." I groaned and turned back around to his desk. I used my fake innocent voice. "Yes Mr. Mendes?" He leaned back in his chair exposing that really toned stomach of his. Well damn. " Ms y/L/n are you listening?" I looked up from his body. "Um I uh I'm sorry what were you saying?" He sighed. "You are in danger of failing my class I need you here everyday after-school for my personal tutoring for 2 weeks". Oh hell

My eyes went wide. "2 weeks! Mr mendes I can't do that I have a life to live". More like binge watching Spongebob and eating everything in my kitchen....that's still a life besides who wants to spend their free time with their mouthwatering, dreamy, hot dimpled, god of life I need to shut up.

OK so maybe it won't be that bad. "Does my mom know?" He nodded. "We discussed it all". I slowly looked him up and down I never did find out how old he was. "Erm Mr mendes sorry if this sounds weird but how old are you?" He smiled. "I'm 19". Wait hold up I'm 18 and my teacher is 19?

"How the hell are you a teacher if your 19!" I slapped a hand over my mouth so I would stop blurting. "Haha it's ok I get it I should be in college I'm here for 2 years as a trainee teacher". I nodded. Well then. "So enough questions we should get started on your tutoring". I inwardly groaned. And sat down in the weird desks. This is going to be awhile.

By the time we were done I had negatives and linear equations pouring out of my ears. "What time is it?" Mr mendes checked his watch. "It's about 5:00". Gah now I have to take the bus. "Ok I'll see you tomorrow Mr mendes." He laughed. "You can call me Shawn". I smiled. "Ok bye Shawn". He smiled. "Bye y/n".

Next mornin!

Y/n pov.

I woke up to my alarm clock beeping annoyingly loud. I punched it off my nightstand it gave one last beep before going dead. I smiled nestling back into my covers victory is mine! "Y/n get up!" And now it's not. I grumbled to myself as I threw my covers off and went to brush my teeth and take care of my hygiene needs

I walked out to my kitchen fully dressed. I picked out sample black dress with burgundy tights under because I ran out of pants.

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