bestfriends brother- shawn

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You -16
Aaliyah-16 ( I realise shes like 14 but aye its my story she 16 now)
Shawn- 18

Y/n pov
"ITS CHRISTMAS WOOOOOO".  I yell jumping around. Aaliyah my bestfriend laughing pulling on her christmas sweater.  "Correction christmas is still like a month away."
I pouted. "But its still close-ish and i get to stay with you guys for a month!" Aaliyah grinned. "Its gonna be awesome living together though". I nodded. "Hell yeah it is".

I layed back on her bed. "My moms bringing my bags today". Aaliyah nodded. My parents have another buisness trip so they thought itd be better if i stayed with aaliyah for christmas. "Hey you hungry?" I said sitting up stretching. "Is that even a question?" I smirked "sandwich?"


I got up walking down stairs in my grey sweats and white tank top

I got up walking down stairs in my grey sweats and white tank top

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Sandwich time sandwich time gotta love that sandwich time!" I sang out loud unaware of my surroundings. "Nice song". "Ahhh! Oh shawn! You scared me good morning". I smiled at him and he smiled back showing those adorable dimples of his.

Ill admit aaliyahs brother is hot and weve always had a sort of tension between us but thats violating the national girl code 234 of dont fuck your bestfriends brother. I follow that rule strictly considering that this tempting god is standing in front of me. id hate to see aaliyah hurt by this. "Morning y/n". He went into the living room.

I turned and bent over to reach all the sandwich foods. And strawberrys for some reason aaliyah likes strawberrys  on her sandwich. I needed the bread which some jackass put on the highest freaking shelf probably shawns tall self. I hopped trying to reach the bread but i didnt even reach past the second shelf. "Crap".

I climbed up onto the counter frowning at the indignity of it all

"Um y/n! What are you? Get down before you fall!" Suddenly I felt hands grip my hips and put me back down onto the floor

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"Um y/n! What are you? Get down before you fall!" Suddenly I felt hands grip my hips and put me back down onto the floor. I looked up at shawn. "What? I was just getting bread". I showed him the bag of bread making him laugh. "Next time just ask me to get it i dont want you fall and break your neck." I crossed my arms and looked up at him.

"I can handle myself thank you very much".  Shawn scoffed. "Your head barely reaches my shoulder."

"Shut it string bean!" He held his hand up in surrender. "You know for such a tiny girl youre kinda scary". I smiled. "Still you dont scare me". I frowned i walked off to the dining room without saying a word and grabbed a chair. "Uh what are you doing...". I set the chair in front of him and stood on it so now we were head level. "Pffft hahaha oh my god this is the cutest thing ive ever seen!"

I growled at him. "Wait wait stay like that!" He took out his phone snapping a picture of me. "Stop making fun of meee".

"Ok okay im sorry". He said grinning looking right into my eyes. "Youre gonna have to get off the chair if you want me to stop laughin." You made a move to get off the chair but shawn grabbed me lifting me up. "Eep!" I locked my legs around his hips to make sure i wouldnt fall. "Shawn put me down!"

He set me right on the counter still super close to my body. His nose was touching mine. "Shawn we should stop while were ahead." Shawn looked in my eyes knowing i didnt want to stop "Can i kiss you y/n?" My eyes widened i wanted to say no but everything in me just said yes it just felt so right. I leaned in kissing him softly then pulled  away.

Oh my god i just broke my golden rule! I pushed him off me

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Oh my god i just broke my golden rule! I pushed him off me. hopping off the counter, running back up to aaliyahs room. "Hey there you are i was wondering why you were taking so long where the food?" I looked down in shame  "uh aaliyah i um i have something to tell you".

Aaliyah sat upright. "Whats wrong?"
"I uh w-what if i liked shawn?" Aaliyah scrunched up her nose. "Why would anybody like shawn". I scratched my neck awkwardly. "Oh my god please dont tell me you like my brother". I nodded slightly. "That is...........AWESOME if you guys have kids i get to be their god mother and aunt!" My eyes widened. "Wait you approve of this!"

She grinned. "Of course i do! I mean itll be kinda awkward at first and ill do everything in my power to avoid any tonsil hockey moments." I laughed. "Thats great! Can i go make out with your brother really quick?"

Aaliyah gagged. "Oh dude rolf im getting visuals but yes go go im gonna call up Hayes anyways". I cheered running out of aaliyahs room down the hall to shawns room. "Shawn!"

"Oh hey y/n whats woah!" I hopped on him tackling him onto his bed. Pressing my lips onto his

He responded immediatly kissing me back with a hunger."What was that random outburst of affection for?" I giggled. "Its fun kissing you". Shawn planted a kiss on my forehead. "Its fun to kiss you too babe but what about my sister?" I grinned. "She approves!"

"Well in that case y/n will you be my girlfriend?"


Heres another update 😎

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