crushED part 2-nate

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(Look at these cut lil boys!)
. Time skip to the morning after
Y/n pov.
I jerked awake running to the bathroom to spill everything I ate into the toilet. Oh gross I'm never drinking again ugh. I slumped over the side of the toilet my hair was messy and my head was pounding. Wait a sec! Am I naked! Oh no not one of these! I grabbed my towel wrapping myself in it.

I slowly peeked into my bedroom and saw an equally naked guy in my bed. "Fuck! At least I'm at home". I walked up to his side and got a good look at his face. Oh you've got to be kidding me I had a one night stand with skate!

I was fully dressed pacing my floor. I don't remember anything from last night. Maybe just maybe me and skate got our clothes robbed?......ok stupid excuse. But damnit things are gonna be so awkward! Gah I can't take this! I pulled out my phone calling y/bf/n she picked up in seconds. "Hey girl damn its early why you callin?" I took a deep breath and whisper yelled. "Can you come pick me up!?" She was already grabbing her keys that's my bestfriend! " Yeah girl where you at?"I took a deep breath. "I'm at my house and I'm freaking out! I slept with skate! Just hurry please!"


I ran out of my apartment and she was already waiting for me thank god for creating y/bf/n! I quickly got in the car "thank you!" She laughed and we sped off.
.one week later....sorry I'm lazy
Y/n pov
I've been feeling sick all week. I was throwing up some mornings and my period didn't come. "Hey y/n I brought the pregnancy test". Y/bf/n handed me the box. I stared at it this was my future....y/bf/n came up and wrapped an arm around me. "It'll be okay I got your back". I nodded taking a deep breath.

I was pacing around y/bf/n living room. I'm freaking out! What if I'm pregnant what do I do? how the hell am I going to take care of it! I'm only 19! Shush with all this worrying I might not even be pregnant this could just be a pregnancy scare! But something in my guts told me this wasn't a scare. "Y/n Its ready!" I ran over to y/bf/n. "What does it say? Wait! Don't tell me!" I shut my eyes my stomach was churning. She handed me the stick, I grasped it too scared to look...thump.....thump....."it's...............positive!" I sank into the couch dropping the stick. I'm so not ready for this.....fuck how do I tell skate.
.Time skip to skates house.
Y/n pov.
I was standing at his front door freaking out whats he gonna say? We've only known eachother for a few months barely a year! I pushed the thoughts away he wouldn't just ditch me skates not like that. I pushed on the doorbell and waited.

Skate opened the door clad in his tank top and kaki pants. "Oh hey y/n".
He's stopped calling me babygirl and things like that. He hasn't even called me since that morning. I smiled at him well if you'd consider a half hearted lift a smile. "U-Um can I come in I have something important to tell you." He nodded stepping aside to let me in.

"Well?" I was sitting next to him on his couch fumbling with my hands. "Um well it's about that morning.......I um well you see.....". He looked at me intensely. "Spit it out". I frowned. Just say it. "......I'm pregnant". He just sat there for a moment processing what I said. "Your getting rid of it right?" I touched my flat stomach lightly looking at him like he lost his mind. "No! I would never". He sighed putting his head in his hands. "Y/n! We can't keep the thing!" I slapped him so hard he jerked from the impact. "Its not a thing it's my baby and the fact that you would just tell me to get rid of it is just disgusting!". I walked out of his front door. Fuck him I'll take care of my child by myself!
. Time skip to 7 years later
Y/n pov
"Mommy!!! Can we go to the park?" I smiled down at my 6 year old son Jackson . "Sure baby where's jack?" (Sorry I'm naming them since its twins itll be easier to understand) My other little boy came running in the room. "Right here mommy!" I smiled ruffling their soft curly hair. "Alright little men let's go to the park." I hoisted my twins up on my waist and carried them out to my car. I can't believe after all that's happened I'd been blessed with my little angels they never ask about their father. I haven't gotten the heart to tell them. I buckled them in their car seats and hopped in the drivers seat. My car was actually another gift from my parents once they found out I was pregnant they pulled some strings and got me a job that payed for my 2 bedroom apartment and car. I still can't thank them enough. But I'm still low on cash being a single mom does that too you.

We pulled up to the park, Jack and Jackson unbuckled themselves and ran out to the playground. "Be careful babies!" I shouted out to them taking a seat on a park bench. I watched them play with the other kids Jackson was more of a ladies man...He got that from his father. He was playing with a cute little girl while Jack was like me more reserved and was talking with some kids it's amazing how different they were.

"Y/n?" I looked up breaking out of my trance. Oh just fucking great just the face I wanted to see. "Ohhhh hi skate! It's been a while." I have him a fake ass smile and waved to his two friends one had bleach blonde hair with brown roots showing (Sammy boy!) And the other was really skinny he had blonde hair and big blue eyes. (Johnson! Aka my bae) they waved back. "Sup I'm Johnson this is Sammy and well you know our boy skate". I nodded narrowing my eyes at skate. He shifted uncomfortably. "So uh h-how you been?" Did he really just ask me that? Oh I'll kill him. "I've been fine considering I've raised my kids alone for seven years!" His eyes widened. "Kids?" I nodded. The sound of the ice cream truck filled my ears.

"MOMMY!" I immediately smiled at my boys they talked simultaneously sometimes and it was freaking hilarious. They ran up to me with big grins. "Can we get icecrweam?" I nodded. "Of course! Come on!" I held both their hands and looked up. Skate was staring at my boys in awe. "They- they're beautiful y/n they have my eyes". I frowned at him pulling my babies closer. I don't trust him this was the same guy that wanted them gone. "Mommy who this?" I got a pain in my heart it was starting....Jackson walked up to skate with curiosity shining in his eyes. "You look like me mr.". I felt my tears coming on but Jack squeezed my hand lightly. "Come on Jackson we gotta go get ice cream!" Jack pulled his brother back shooting skate a look. I smiled that's my little boy so overprotective of me.

We walked up to the truck. "Can I get two jumbo fudge pops?" The vendor handed me the pops. "That'll be four dollars". I reached in my wallet searching for the money. But I'm broke. Oh god this is embarrassing. I handed the fudge pops back and apologized. "I'm sorry I don't have the money babies mommy will but fudge pops another time yeah?" They looked so sad I wanted to cry. Ugh I'm a failure. I can't even come up with four dollars. "Wait! Uh here you go". Skate handed the vendor the money and held out the two big fudge pops to my kids. Jackson took it imediatly while Jack looked suspicious. "Go on Jack you can take it". Jack took it happily after I assured him. "Thank you you didn't have to do that". He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly looking at his friends. I felt a tug at my shirt and looked down and Jackson and jacks smiling faces smudged with chocolate. "Mom can we go play with them?" They pointed to johnson and sammy who were casually bouncing a basket ball. They looked up. "Uh sure sweetie you can".
They ran over and Jack hugged Jack's leg(lol) while Jackson hugged sammys they looked so confused. "Take care of them you two!" Jack and sammy nodded quickly and ran off to catch up with Jack and Jackson. I turned back to see skate looking at the boys playing around with the twins. "They really are so beautiful y/n". I frowned. "I know". He looked at me with guilt. "I-I'm so sorry I told you to get rid of them y/n I didn't mean it I was so stupid I was worried about my career and I was selfish."I nodded. "Your right you were incredibly selfish and wrong for telling me to kill YOUR boys!" He flinched at the word kill. Good be scared nigga I gave birth twice I can beat your ass! (This is honestly me I swear!) "I would love to be able to properly meet them". Is he serious? I stood staring at his hopeful face. A boy needs his father...."alright I guess you can meet them but take it easy and don't get too touchy with Jack he doesn't trust you". Skate looked down in shame. Serves him right! "Jack! Jackson!" They stopped and ran over to me. "Hey mommy!" I smiled ruffling their hair. "Boys I want you to meet someone". I gestured to skate who looked down nervously at them. Jackson walked up to him and grinned. "You bought us fudge pops! I'm Jackson!" Skate looked about ready to cry. Jack stayed back clutching my hand. I kneeled down so I was his height. "Its ok baby go on and meet him he's your father". Jacks eyes widened and he turned to skate. "Daddy?" I clutched my knee for support. "Wait your our dad!?" Jackson turned to me. "Why didn't you tell us? I stood and walked next to skate. "Because your daddy and mommy wanted to surprise you". Jackson was satisfied however Jack wasn't buying it at all. I gave him a look and shook my head. He nodded. "Mom! Can we hang out with dad?" I smiled and nodded. Skate looked happy. "I'll be back to pick them in an hour after that we can discuss how we want this to work okay?" Skate nodded. "You got it mama". I glared at him. "One hour".

Ayyee I'm sorry i didn't post sooner I had huge writers block but you know i can't let ya down! 👊 there will be a part 3 comin up that may or may not be the last. So as always hope you liked it ill see ya!

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