first kiss-hayes

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You - 14

Prepare for the gifs your about to see bros

Y/n pov
You were hanging out with your bestfriend hayes in his room laying on his bed watching brandon rogers on youtube. While he scrolled through instagram, this was your guys idea of quality time. You had your legs thrown over his waist casually

"Hey kids you hungry!" You and hayes looked up at his mom who had was standing in the doorway

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"Hey kids you hungry!" You and hayes looked up at his mom who had was standing in the doorway. "Yes im starvin i dont know about y/n though". You stuck your tongue out at him. "Oh can we get pizza!" Hayes said jumping up and down. You spoke up. "Yeah mom can we?" You call her mom since you were like a second daughter to her.

"Well fine ill be back in an hour i gotta run a few errands any way ill bring back some pizza. "Make that two boxes mom hayes eats like a black hole!" You joked shoving him. He shoved you back with a mock serious expression. "Ok ok ill be back kids dont mess up the house!"

You and hayes layed back down with your phones in your face. "Holy shit  y/n look its that girl jessica you hate".
"Who? Oooh you mean jessihoe?"

Hayes busted out laughing. "Wtf is a jessihoe!" You shrugged. "Whatd she do to you anyways?" You sighed.

"She kissed my ex boyfriend jack when i was still dating him luckily i never kissed him cuz then i wouldve gotten jessihoes cooties!" Hayes smirk. "You mean dick face smith?" You snickered "of course youd call him that". 

"Wait so you never kissed him?"
You shook your head.

"Have you even been kissed!?"
You frowned

"Noooo stop rubbing it in mr i kissed peyton greyson". You said crossing your arms. "Pfft it sucked anyways". You pouted.

"Still im probably the only one in my grade whos never gotten kissed that sucks more". Hayes laughed. "Well if you are so desperate for this oh so amazing kiss then ill help you".

You scoffed. "How? Just randomly tell the school hey my bestfriends never been kissed! Thats sure to make em line up".

Hayes grinned his weird pervy boy grin. "What is it why do you have your perv face on?"

Hayes sat up and you followed. "Ill be your first kiss....if you want its not like im making you heh." You had given some thought to kissing hayes but never really really thought about it but now that you are thinking of it you realise your bestfriend is actually kind of hot.

"Um ok yeah ok lets do this". This makes it sound like were doing a project or something.

He leaned into you pressing his lips over yours. You responded as best you could considering it was your first time

You pulled away first letting it settle in that you literally just kissed your bestfriend

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You pulled away first letting it settle in that you literally just kissed your bestfriend....and liked it oh boy.

"So how was your first kiss?"

You couldnt keep the grin off your face. "It was moderatley good..." 
Hayes smirked "really? Well then i wanna better grade".

he said grabbing your face and kissing you with so much force you fell back on the bed.

Somewhere in the back of your mind you were thinking about the fact that youre both 14 and needed to take a chill pill

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Somewhere in the back of your mind you were thinking about the fact that youre both 14 and needed to take a chill pill. But you kept going cause it felt awesome.

"KIDS IM BACK!" You both jumped apart straightening out your clothes so i didnt look like you were doing anything innappropriate.

"Heres your pizza you heathens i bought an extra box just in case you guys managed to wolf down two pizza boxes". She set the boxes on hayes desk. "Why are you guys so red?" We shrugged. "Its kinda hot".

"Y/n its the middle of winter". Hayes spoke up. "Ooookay mom thanks for the grub i think i hear skylar calling bye!" He pushed his confused mom out quickly shutting his door leaning against it looking at me in relief.

"That was a close call".


"You wanna do it again?"

Ok theres a short one for ya😄

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