you meet at a store part 2 -sammy

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Y/n pov (at home)
I ran up to my room

Y/n pov (at home) I ran up to my room

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And threw myself on my bed. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!" My mom's thundering footsteps came towards my room and my door was thrown open. "WHO'S DYING!" I laughed my mom had the mop clutched in her hands and was looking around frantically. "N-haha-nobody mom haha I was just excited". My mom narrowed her eyes at me and lowered her 'deadly' weapon. "Stop screaming in my house!" With that she walked off her house slippers shuffling against the wood. I was in a fit of silent giggles. Beeep! My phone! I pounced on it snatching it up and unlocking it.

Unknown#: your gonna die in seven days

Y/n: pfft nice one horror movie pick up lines are so original sammy boy

Unknown#: who's sammy?

Y/n: if your not Sammy who are you?

No answer I started freaking out oh my God there's a murderer in my house isn't there! This is karma for eating all the Christmas cookies isn't it! I was hungry! Turn down for what!
I screeched and hopped away from my phone. Fucking fiddlewanger I grabbed it clicking answer. "Look if your gonna go all 'I eat humans' on me I have to warn you I'm not tasty! I taste all salty! You wouldn't enjoy your meal!" There was a bunch of laughing on the other end. And some muttering. "I told you she was hilarious". I frowned. "Sammy?" He stopped laughing. "Hey y/n!" I growled. "Was that you!" He started laughing again. "Ugh you jackass! You scared the hell out of me." I yelled into the phone. "Sorry fabulous anyways you wanna hang out and meet some friends of mine?" I heard a guy yell out in the background I laughed we barely met and already have pet names sweet! But mama didn't raise no fool. "Your not a rapist are you I don't plan on dying anytime soon". he laughed. "Nooo trust me it's nothing like that". I hummed.  "Ok I'll come over". He gave me the directions and then we hung up. "Hmmm what to wear...". Well it is summer but...I don't wanna look like a hoe gah! I settled on this

Hmm it's not too hoe-ish and its enough to make sammy boy drool

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Hmm it's not too hoe-ish and its enough to make sammy boy drool. Perfect! I wet my hair to get it curly again and left it down

(I'm sorry to the girls who don't have this type of hair just imagine it however you want😙) ok now I'm ready

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(I'm sorry to the girls who don't have this type of hair just imagine it however you want😙) ok now I'm ready. "Mom I'm hanging out at a friends!" My mom popped out of her room faster than I could say crap. "Hold the fuck up what 'friends'?" I held back my sigh. "I'm hanging out with my friend sammy". She glared at my exposed legs. "Is Sammy a boy?" I nodded. "You have to be back before 11 use a condom I don't want grandkids!" My mouth fell open. Jeez mom.

(Skip the car ride)
I pulled up to the house and took a deep breath I stuffed my purple bottle of pepper spray in my back pocket as I got out of the car I quickly shoved the condoms in my glove box. Yeah I won't be needing those. (Hehe I will😂) I walked up to the front door and raised my finger pushing on the doorbell oh boy ok calm your nerves y/n Its just a boy, just a boy that could potentially rape you and kill you oh my gosh! The door opened and revealed a skinny blonde boy with some nice blue eyes. Oh holy shit is this....jack Johnson! Oh my brustletoad fudge hot awesometastic! Before I could stop myself I blurted out "I LOVE YOU!" He gave me a look. "Uh I'm guessing your a fan how'd  you find my house? Does anybody know your here?" He said worrying. "Oh no! I mean yes I am a fan of yours but I'm actually here because sammy invited me". I explained. He laughed. "So your y/n? Nice to meet ya sammys in the kitchen come in." I awkwardly walked in. "Uh this may be a weird question but can I hug you?" He laughed louder. "I get it all the time beautiful you can hug me whenever you want". If he could see my blush he would have thought I was sick. I hugged him tightly. "thanks!" I said pulling away. Walking into the living room "HEY SAMMY BOY!" I caught the attention of the other people in the living room skate, gilinsky, and Matt freaking espinosa I'm so ready to fangirl. For some reason they were staring and it wasn't one of those 'is she crazy' stares. Sammy came running out and swung me up in a bear hug.

 Sammy came running out and swung me up in a bear hug

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"Sup ms. Fabulous!" I laughed hugging him back. We're getting pretty close for people who just met a few hours ago but I guess we just kinda click together....AWESOME I'VE FOUND A FRIEND. The guys all cleared their throats at us. "So are you guys dating or...". I smiled I guess it does look like that. "Haha no actually". He hummed in agreement. "Besides you guys know I have a thing for stassie". They all agreed. I wonder who stassie is. I ignored the small twinge I felt in my stomach. Ah well it always works this way I never get the be continued

Sooo should I make a part three? 😮 ima make a part three I'll see ya next chapter yall better hope stassie don't show up lmao see ya queens😋

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