He cheats-Matthew part 2

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Heyyyy so here part two babes I'm still taking requests so ya know hit me up!

Y/n pov (next day)
I took deep breaths as I sat in my car in front of my house like a weakling. I'm supposed to be facing him head on, not sitting in my car collecting dust. I sighed and got out slamming my car door.

I unlocked my door and stepped inside this time I didn't trip over a gorilla foot sized stiletto heel. And I didn't see a digusting pink bra draped over my couch....I'm still burning that couch. The house was actually cleaned up the way I like it.

If this cheating asshole thinks im going to forgive him just because he cleaned the house he's got another thing coming. I slowly walked up the steps since he was most likely in our room....correction my room.

I saw him sitting on the bed the platinum blonde bimbo wasn't there she better not be there. The hoe got lucky but not today. "Y/n!" I narrowed my eyes at him. Before I could think my fist connected with his jaw and he fell over.

His beanie fell of his head his face was red and his hair was messed up I was fuming. I didn't even realize how angry I was. You know that feeling when your so angry you don't speak....double that times ten and then you'll know how much I wanna kill him.

He grunted and held his bruised cheek with one hand. "I deserved that". I glared at him giving no response. damn right he deserved it.

"Can I explain myself?"

My heartbeat quickened and I nodded if this nigga wants me to talk he's gonna have to earn it. He pushed himself up and sat back on the bed. That damned bed. "Uh well I'm not gonna lie to you and say I was drunk or that she forced herself on me".   

I raised my brow what the hell is he trying to say was it fucking intentional did he just get the urge to cheat on his loving girlfriend who's also been his bestfriend for years! Where's the godamn logic in this?

He conitinued. "Y/n I'm sorry I know I didn't have any reason or valid excuse to ever cheat on you but I guess I just....I messed up ok she meant nothing to me. I just thought we were losing our spark and I was confused". Is he serious! Lost our spark! That's why I spent time crying about him.

"YOU COULD HAVE TALKED TO ME! WE COULD HAVE WORKED IT OUT! YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO GO FUCK SOME INBRED WHORE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!" He flinched at my screams the entire neighborhood could probably hear me. Good let them know what an aweful person he is.

"You know what Matthew I'm not going to sit here and let you cheat whenever you feel the spark isn't there". I said bitterly I was about to walk out but Matthew grabbed me into his arms and held me tightly.

"Let go!" I was tempted to sink into his hold but I shook my head and wriggled in his tight hold. "Let me go matthew". He shook his head. "No y/n I'm not letting you go this time". I fought harder I'm not that easy! The tears prickled in my eyes no no crying urgh! "Matthew I'm serious let me go". I started hitting his chest so he'd let me leave it didnt affect him one bit. I want to cry I was so frustrated!

I gave one last half hearted hit and fell to my knees he fell with me and pulled me into his lap. "I can't trust you anymore matt". I said trying to make my voice sound strong it just sounded broken grrr not what I was going for.

"I know I know I'm sorry I love you so much y/n im sorry". I frowned. I'll forgive him.....but. "your sleeping on the couch. Your not touching me whatsoever and I dare you to look at another bitch your gonna catch these hands".

He gulped and nodded. "Okay uh yeah!" I picked myself up and attempted to fix my frazzled hair. I looked down at Matthew attempting to keep his smile from showing. He's so lucky I love him.

Heeeeey yeah this is long overdue I'm soooo sorry I used to update literally every minute I've just been so busy and I'm never busy! Lol I know this one isn't exactly a nominee winner but hope you liked it!

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