he cheats- johnson part 2

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The next morning
Johnsons pov
I woke up with a migrane that felt like it was cracking my skull. I groaned rolling off the couch, what the hell did I do last night?

"Y/nnnnnn baby can you give me some asprin!"  I waited for my beautiful wifes response but I was met with silence I dont hear kayla babbling random words or shifting just silence.  "Baby? You guys home?!"

I ignored the unsettling feeling of the quiet and layed back on the couch. "She probably just went to the store theyll be back any minute."  I got up and got the asprin out of the cabinet shoving three in my mouth and washing it down with water.

Y/n pov
I drove straight no breaks except to feed kayla or change her, all the way to my moms house in camarillo I pulled up to the house I grew up in

Y/n pov I drove straight no breaks except to feed kayla or change her, all the way to my moms house in camarillo I pulled up to the house I grew up in

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I smiled grabbing kayla out of her car seat and carrying her the front door. I knocked and stepped back waiting for my mom to answer the door.

"Y/n? Child what are you doing here!" I couldnt help it anymore I let the tears fall

My mom took kayla from me and wrapped her arm around my waist pulling me inside the house.

Mom set kayla on the ground and let her crawl around then sat with me on the couch. "What happened y/n? Its 5 in the morning and your on my doorstep with kayla and no father". I sniffled. But got it together mom was gonna tell me that anyways.

"I caught jack cheating on me". My moms face softened. "Oh im sorry baby how?" I almost growled. "I got a text from the bitch she sent me the video of them doing it." I shook my head at the thought of it.

"I was gonna surprise him mom next week I was going to tell him I was pregnant."

Johnsons pov.
Its 2 pm and they still havent showed up now im worried my hangover had buzzed off and I was coming to my senses. I grabbed my phone and was shocked by what I saw. it was me and some blonde chick in bed i was exposed. In the video my eyes were red and i was stumbling out the room so i mustve gotten drunk or high or both who knows!

"Shit! Has y/n seen this!"

I dialed her number ignoring the millions of instagram, snapchat and twitter, and basically every other apps notifications.

"Hi youve reached y/n!"

"Y/n baby!"

"Im not available to take your call right now but if you leave a message ill get back to you as soon as possible-".

"Y/n baby call me back i need to make sure you and kayla are safe."

I sighed calling again this time it went straight to voicemail. Shes not answering on purpose.

I threw the phone across the room putting my head in my hands. Where could she be?

9:00 pm

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