he cheats-Matthew

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I almost forgot about my cheating series! Well it's back and its better! Lol the rest of these unlike Derek will be a break up make up lol cuz I'm rude.

Y/n pov.
I groaned as I hopped into my car. Work is finally over! I work at Macys and I've gotten nothing but annoying and rude customers that think they're entitled to something. I stretched my back out and ran a hand through about half of my curls before my hand got stuck.

I pulled my fingers out of my hair and started driving home to my amazing boyfriend matt he always knew how to make me feel better. Matt and I have been dating for 3 years with all the problems in the world facing us. His grandma was racist but his mother and father love me.

My family likes matt more than they like me. He barbecues with my uncle's and cooks with my mom and dad. It's funny to watch becuase he sucks at making fried chicken. I smiled remembering the day we first showed him he looked like he found Narnia.

I pulled up to our drive way and cut the car off. Originally I was supposed to hang out at y/bf/n but I canceled I just want some cuddles. A little red sports car was parked in the driveway too. It didn't look like any of the boys car. And it's definitely not matts car.

I shook it off and opened the door to our house. I stepped inside and flew forward. "Woah!" I tumbled to the ground and looked at what I tripped over. It was a six inch stiletto that was definitely not mine it was a size 10 im only a size 6. Oh hell no. I looked around some more and saw a hot pink bra draped over my couch that was also definitely not mine.

I'll have to burn that couch later. "Ooooooh yes!" I heard a thump coming from upstairs. Is he really fucking her right now! I stood up dusting off my jeans and pulling down my black t shirt. I held my head high and walked up the stairs. The bitches moans were getting loud.

I stayed strong and walked towards our room. Now I could hear what she was saying. "Oh yeah don't stop!" I furrowed my brow. That voice sounds familiar.......Oh hell no. I bursted through the door. I knew what to expect but seeing it was alot different. Matt was on top of a pasty ass bitch I actually let out a breath of relief that it wasn't y/bf/n.

"Ohhh yes daddy!" I fought the urge to laugh at her nasally voice they still didn't realize I was in here. Time to go straight savage. I cleared my throat to get their attention. Matthew looked up quickly and his eyes widened as he was caught. "Y/n! It's not what it looks like". I rose my brow and watched them scramble to cover themselves.

Now normally I woulda beat both they asses and toss them in a river. But I'm a child of God and he says no so I boldly stared them down. "Really Matthew? It's not what it looks like what were you doing then performing surgery with your dick?" The guilty silence was sickening. "You know what fuck this im going to leave so I don't kill you bitches! and when I get back you and your little whore better be gone!"

I ran out to my car and say I'm there replaying the events in my mind. I let my tears fall onto my lap. Why would he do this to me! We were a perfect couple we never had any problems I was good to him! I beat on the steering wheel in frustration while big ugly sobs escaped my mouth.

I finally pulled myself together and wiped away my tears. I drove away from my house which I most definitely will be coming back to and Matthew better pray he's not there. I drove 30 minutes over to the one friend I know I can count on I parked on the side and walked to the front door and rang the doorbell. Seconds later it opened and revealed a surprised nash and an equally surprised Taylor (giavasis).

"Y/n?" I smiled. "Erm hey guys sorry for not calling but um c-can I come in?" They imediatly let me in. Taylor led me to the couch while nash went and got some water. "What's wrong babes?" Taylor could just tell I guess. I sighed. "I caught Matt cheating....and I- I just wanted to kill him, punch him, do something to let this anger out but I didn't I left". I wiped a stray year while Taylor gave me a look of pity. "I'm so sorry y/n come here". She pulled me into a comforting hug while nash awkwardly sat on the couch next to me.

"It'll all be ok you can stay here for the night." I smiled. "You guys don't have to do that I'm capable of going back home you know." She shook her head. "Oh no! I'm calling the guys and we're having a sleepover/make made feel better night!" I giggled. "Ok tay".

30 minutes later all the guys came over cam, Hayes, Carter, Jack j and gilinsky, hell even Shawn showed up! They all hugged me and offered to punch matt for me. "Now lets watch lilo and stitch!" I grinned and settled in next to shawn and cameron who decided I was a human pillow can layed his head in my lap and Shawn rested his head on my shoulder. I love my friends.

We watched the movie and chatted all night now I'm sprawled on shawn and cam feeling sleepy I slowly let sleep consume me but not before thinking of tomorrow when I'll have to face Matthew.

Part two comin up lols enjoyyyy! I hope you liked this cuz after this book I'm making more! So you can check out those once they're up

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