your teacher-shawn part 5

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Left off-
"We are here!" I raised a brow as he drove up to a trashcan. "Where exactly is here?" he rolled his eyes smiling getting out of the car I followed him walking around finally noticing that we were at an animal shelter. "Ok not to complain but why are we at an animal shelter?" Shawn teetered back and forth on his feet. "I volunteer here a lot after school I thought you might like to meet some of my furry friends".

I smiled. "Are you kidding? I'D LOVE TO OMG I LOVE ANIMALS". Doggo time!!! I ran inside. With Shawn following.

Y/n pov
Shawn signed in for his volunteer hours and handed me a pass so I could go back with him. "Cmon I wanna show you my favorite dog here". He grabbed my hand leading me towards all the kennels I could hear all the dogs barking and yapping, scuttling around.

He stopped right at the very end of a smaller cage that held a very small puppy. (puppy looks like picture above)."Aww she's adorable shawn! What breed is she?" I said leaning down and poking my finger through the bar to touch her head. "She's a pocket beagle she's cute isn't she". I grinned nodding my head. "Yes she's absolutely gorgeous does she have anyone willing to adopt her?"

Shawn frowned. "No actually people won't adopt her because she's gonna take some extra care she was a rescue dog her owners were very abusive". I frowned looking at the dogs sad eyes. "Thats awful". Shawn sqauted down with me and used his keys to unlock her cage. "Her name is Sadie I'm thinking of adopting her Jasmine doesn't mind dogs". Shawn reached inside the cage and lifted Sadie into his arms.

There is too much cuteness in my sight good God! I ignored my stomach bats flapping around and took a calm breath. "You should she seems to like you." Shawn pet Sadies back. "You think?" I nodded. "I know so!" Shawn smiled and put Sadie back in her cage.
"Well I'll see what my landlord says." I couldn't keep the smile off my face. "Your a really good guy you know". Shawns face turned a little pink. "As are you blushing?" I poked his dimples. "Nope it's just hot". I raised my eyebrow. "We're standing under an air vent".

Shawn cleared his throat looking past me. "Man uh it's getting close to noon I better get you home." He grabbed my hand pulling so hard it took me by surprise I crushed right into his chest letting out a small squeak. "Oh I um I'm sorry Y/n Are you ok?"

I nodded pulling away from him. "I'm fine." no I'm not I'm actually very confuse with life right now. "Uh you're right it's about that time for me to go home." we walked to the car awkwardly staying two feet away from each other.

Why does he have to be my teacher?

Skip car ride

Y/n pov
Shawn stopped in front of my house putting the car into park. "Well uh you're safe and at home now....I had fun y/n". I looked up and locked eyes with him. There's a million things wrong with this relationship and I dont care about any of them. I leaned in kissing him and it felt awesome

(it is amazing how Well this gif fits lol pretty little liars for days!

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(it is amazing how Well this gif fits lol pretty little liars for days!

We kept kissing until we had to break for air. I sat back in the seat out of breath and coming into my senses I've broken about 50 rules in 20 seconds. "I y/n I'm so sorry this is my fault we really can't continue this it's wrong". Even though it was the truth it still cracked my heart in half. But I need to be responsible with this. "You're right um I'm sorry I guess I'll see you at school on Monday?" he nodded.

I moves to get out of the car but shawns hand lifted my chin to face him. "Its not that I dont want to be with you...God knows I want to but if we continue this I could lose my job". Ah yes his job as long as I'm his student I can't do anything with him.

"I understand Shawn....wait you can't date your students right?" Shawn looked at me weird. "Yes kind of the only thing holding us back right now.". It's my last month of school then I graduate. "Well would you and I legally be able to be together after I'm out of school?" Shawn thought for a moment.

"Actually yes we would and you only have a month left of school right?" I nodded. "Well then we follow the rules until you graduate". Okay not what I was expecting. "Yeah we just stay friends until then".

Shawn nodded oblivious to my obvious disappointment I faked a smile and got out of the car watching him drive away. Why does this shit have to be so hard.

"Hey mom I'm home!" I walked in my house locking the door behind me. Now that I was home I realised how exhausted I was. I trudged upstairs to my room and fell back on my bed. "Ah the sweet release of sleep".

🎵It's the beeeest day everrrrr🎵

" ughhhhh! What now?" I grabbed my phone and swiped answer.

  You- "Hey Taylor what's up?"

Taylor - "y/n you need to go on your instagram right the fuck now".

You- "Why what going on?"

I opened up instagram and the first thing that pops up is me half naked in the lingerie I had put on for the nude I sent Jack.

Jackg: thanks y/ig/n You fucked with the wrong guy I hope you planned on showing your ass to the whole world cause that's what I'm gonna do

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Jackg: thanks y/ig/n You fucked with the wrong guy I hope you planned on showing your ass to the whole world cause that's what I'm gonna do. Had a nice time bitch.

1200 hearts

My blood was boiling my head felt hot and my arms were tingling with the need to hurt someone. I need to get out of here. I threw my phone at the wall running down the stairs and away from my house my mom wouldn't even care she's at work anyhow.

I kept running hoping that would ease my burning desire to murder everyone. Of course he would expose my nudes I mean why not it's the perfect fucking plan! I had run almost two blocks away from my house before I stopped and started walking.

I felt the years falling fucked up thing was I'm not even sad I'm just frustrated! With myself, with this whole situation my grades are slipping my teacher and I are breaking several laws. My body is on display for the whole school I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to do with my life.

I broke down sitting on the sidewalk with my head in my hands.

Shorter than usual but I might turn this story into a book

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