he's your crush part 2

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I'm sorryss I have arisen from the dead! With a new chaptaaa!
Y/n pov
I layed in my bed thinking about Aaron like a creep. He's so freaking ashsbdjdjdysfdjfpl! I need to get some sleep. I turned over to my side and closed my eyes thinking of Aaron.

"Aye y/n! Mom said to wake you up its 7 already." I stirred. Seven? What's a seven....Oh crap it's seven! I rolled over and fell off my bed like a dumbass. "Owww fuck!" I pushed myself up groaning. And I'm late, I quickly took care of my hygene and grabbed a pair of sunset legggings and a black hoodie.

I slowly walked to my mom's room where she was sleeping

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I slowly walked to my mom's room where she was sleeping. Every black kid knows that when you wake your mom up to drive you to school it ain't pretty. I slowly crept open the door.

"Heyyy mama". My mom looked up with her hair rag tied over her head. "What in the hell do you want child why is you still here?". I coughed a little. "Um I missed the bus can you drive me?" She groaned. "Damnit y/n! You know what no, you know how to drive pass me my purse". I grabbed her black purse and handed it to her. She grabbed her keys and tossed them to me.

"You scratch my car there's gonna be a scratch on your ass I mean it y/n if I find a scratch on my car ima smack the black off you". I nodded and hurried out. "Yesss I get to drive myself." My brother smacked his lips at me as I left. Haha sucker. I jumped into my mom's hoodless car and took off down the road.

I drove into a free parking space and hopped out locking my car and putting the good back up so people won't steal it. Matt was just getting off the bus and he ran to hug me. "Minnie mouse! I thought you died or something!" I laughed and shook my head. "Nope still alive and kickin". He stopped.

"Dang is that your mom's car she actually let you drive it". I nodded. "I'm so happy yasss". He was still grinning like a creep. "Micky why are you creepy grinning?" He smiled "I asked her out!" I gasped and clapped super loud as we walked into the school.

"Alright Micky I expect full details later!" I ran off to my locker and there I saw Aaron without his friends. I ran up to him still bubbly from Matt finally asking Maria out. "Hiya aaron!" He just grunted and nodded at me slamming his locker shut and walking away. What the hell? (Legit thinking of avril lavinge my wife😂😂)

I walked to 2 period class sad. Why would Aaron give me the cold shoulder like that? I didn't do anything that would indicate that behaviour. I frowned ugh I was in a good mood too! The bell rang loudly letting me know that I'm late for class. "Aw crud!"

Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmme skippp

Aarons pov
I feel bad for treating y/n like that but to be honest I'm disappointed in her I thought she liked me I guess i was wrong since she's hugging up on Matthew Espinosa who literally just asked out maria I thought she would have held herself to a higher level than being some assholes side chick.

The bell rang for lunch and I grabbed my stuff to sit with my crew. "Aye aaron!" I nodded towards nate who always fuckin smells like premium weed. "What's sup with you?" I sighed. And sat at the table. "Nothing".

They snickered. "Aye there goes your girlfriend". I turned to see y/n smiling and laughing with that dick and his gf. "Oh shit I didn't know y/n played that side chick role hahaha". I shook my head looking back at y/n she glanced at me and frowned turning back.

Time skippin to the end of the dayyy!

Y/n pov

I walked out of class to my locker to put my things away Aaron was there with two other guys oh gosh I can smell the weed from here. I still have no idea why he's so angry. You know what it's time to get a backbone.

I took a deep breath and walked up to them. "Oh look it's the side chick." One of his friends said sneering at me. What the fuck did this bitch just say to me? I shook my head. "Leave now!" I said with as much base in my tone as my mother the boys flinched and left leaving Aaron alone with me in an empty hallway.

"I need to talk to you". I told Aaron crossly he nodded. "ok talk". I rolled my eyes and pressed him into the locker. "Why are you ignoring me". He shrugged. "Why are you lowering yourself to being a side hoe". I glared at him what the fuck is he talking about?

"Side hoe? What I'm the-who told you I was a side hoe it's not fucking true!" He chuckled coldly. "Oh please spare me why the hell are you hugged up on Matthew huh? Knowing he has a girlfriend?"

I frowned. "What! What are you talking about? Me and Matthew are friends!" He scoffed. "That's likely cause every friend hugs eachother like your dying." I was baffled. "Are you jealous?" He looked away. "No!" Oh it was so obvious. "Haha you are!" I grinned at his red face.

"I can't believe you were jealous this entire time!" He coughed. He has to like me right? "Aaron do you um by any chance like me?" His eyes widened. "Of course I-ok yes I like you alot". My heart exploded in a ball of rainbows! "Really!-I I'm I mean I ehem I like you too". I looked down embarrassed my face was heating up.

He lifted up my chin so I looked in his eyes. We stared into eachothers eyes and it felt like everything slowed down. I closed my eyes awaiting the kiss I really really wanted I puckered my lips. This is the moment! He swooped down......and pecked me on the cheek.

What the....I opened my eyes to see him smirking. "You gotta earn your kisses baby". I frowned. "I'll pick you up at 6 this Saturday". Oooh I like this side of him. But I got a surprise I smirked patting his chest. "Okay....daddy". His jaw ticked. I walked away my hips swaying left to right. Oh I got him in the bag.

Aye I'm sorry about taking such a long time to update these imagines life hates meh! Oml but let me know if you like this one!

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