Christmas blues!

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Wassupp so this was an idea from Bubbleseverafter thank YOUUU. Lols I'll do all of the boys but since this was her idea in gonna use Shawn first enjoy! Btw I love this song!^^^^^^^

Y/n pov
Christmas! It's time to get lit! I was hopping on my couch in my favorite Christmas pjs

Y/n povChristmas! It's time to get lit! I was hopping on my couch in my favorite Christmas pjs

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My adorable best friend tyler

 was sleeping over for Christmas eve since mom and dad's selfish asses are on a trip to rome

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was sleeping over for Christmas eve since mom and dad's selfish asses are on a trip to rome. leaving me here and my boyfriend Shawn was on tour. Tyler shook his head. "I swear you take Christmas too seriously bestie". I smiled jumping and landing on my stomach with a light grunt.

"It's all in the spirit party pooper!" He laughed and walked to the kitchen which was literally right next to the living room. "You ready for Christmas tradition y/n?" I grinned. Me and Tyler always made some sort of sweets every Christmas eve. "Hell yeah let's make some chocolate muffins!"

I felt a tad bit guilty that I was making muffins without Shawn but what does he expect he's been on tour for 6 months! Don't get me wrong I support his career with a passion and I'm so proud of him but just once I'd like to spend a holiday with my boyfriend. But I'm stuck here with my bestfriend the little rat nah just kidding I love tyler.

"Hold on just lemmie make it in". Right now we're not even baking were just trying to get chocolate chips in eachothers mouths. Tyler missed again. "Haha when ball is not life!" We started cracking up. I popped a few chocolate chips in my mouth and went back to pouring muffin mix into the muffin pan.

The doorbell rang. who the hell comes to your house on Christmas eve? I opened the door and there stood Shawn I gasped. "Hey y/n!" I squealed so loud he flinched I jumped on him wrapping my arms around his neck and locking my legs around his waist.

Shawn laughed hugging me closer. "I missed you so much shawn!" I said with my head burried in his neck. I can't believe he's actually here I felt the tears prickle at my eyes. He put me down and I pulled him into the house slamming the door shut.

"Hey y/n who's at the door? Oh hey shawn!" Shawn frowned a little but the minute I saw it, it was gone. "Hey Tyler what are you doing here?" I felt some tension rising. Tyler squirmed a bit. "Err just having a sleep over with y/n and um you know baking......muffins".

Shawns eyes darkened. And he looked to me. "Hmm". I smiled weakly at tyler. I squirmed uncomfortably at the awkward silence. "Um well lets go bake! Come on shawn!" I skipped to the kitchen and grabbed the chocolate chips pouring them into the second bowl of batter. I turned back to see Shawn glaring at poor tyler.

I finished putting the last batch in the oven in complete silence. Shawn was still glaring at tyler and Tyler was trying his best to ignore it. I finally had enough. "Shawn can I talk to you for a moment please?" Shawn nodded. Still glaring at tyler. I dragged him upstairs to my room.

"What's your issue!" He scoffed. "I go away for six months and you shack up with Tyler and make our favorite muffins without me! That's my issue!" I shook my head.  

"Tyler's my bestfriend Shawn that's all we'll ever be your my boyfriend. And I missed you so I made the muffins myself as a relief it's hard being the girlfriend of the Shawn Mendes you know! Your never here I can't hold my own boyfriend or even call because of the time differences".

I sniffled and wiped my eyes before the tears could fall. Shawns face softened. "I didn't know you felt that way y/n I'm so sorry I promise I'll take a break from all the tours this Christmas it'll be just me and you." I smiled and hugged him. "but I still don't like Tyler being here with you." I luaghed.

"Shawn you don't have to worry about Tyler making any moves on me he doesn't play for this team of you know what I mean". Shawn blushed. "O-oh! Well erm ha ok then". I shook my head. And tiptoed to kiss his lips.

"Come on let's go have our Christmas eve". I took his hand and we walked back downstairs to eat some chocolate muffins. This was the best Christmas I've ever had.

It was short but cute I think lol I hope you like this little imagine and have an awesome ass christmas. Guess what I'm getting for Christmas......A MATHHEW ESPINOSA HOODIE! WORDS CANNOT EXPLAIN HOW HAPPY I AM. I'M EVEN GETTING A NASH GRIER VINE SHIRT AHHHHHHH! Be sure to comment and vote!

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