jack and Madison beer?

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Ok so for those of you that don't know there's millions of stories going around about jack Gilinsky and jack Johnson and madison and all that good shit. So lets get right down to the tea spilling.

Yes they broke up.

Apparently an audio recording was "leaked" and it was of their arguing and jack calling Madison a slut while he was drunk off his ass. Video⬇⬇⬇

So listening to this video I bet your thinking wooow jack Gilinsky is such an asshole right? Well so did I hell I thought that for a couple days after this video. So then I read the comments and come across another peice to this story claiming that Madison beer purposefully recorded this argument and leaked it out to the media.

That got me thinking well Madison would never do shit like that she's the victim. So I dig a lil deeper and I find this video. On why you should hate Madison beer. (skip to 4:43)

Now there's jack Johnson spilling all this green tea about Madison purposefully leaking things and making it seem like gilinskys a bad guy. well to be fair you gotta look at both sides to this. Johnson said their relationship was toxic from the beginning and trust me (I know toxic relationships.)

It's never just one person fueling the hate it's both. now yes gilinsky was wrong I'm not gonna say he's some God sent Angel just because he's a cute guy and were all fans of his and I assuming fans of his music too. But I'm not gonna sit here and say Madison didn't have her faults.

Okay first of all Madison got togther with gilinsky when she was 15 meanwhile he was 18 so while that seems like a huge deal in (reality it's barely 3 years). It caused alot of trouble with fans hence her very popular Nickname baby beer so in the beginning you look at the hate she's received from jack and jack fans and the whole jadison movement.

Okay whatever. but none of us really knew what their relationship was actually like but all of us know the girl can be just as vicious as the guy I'm not saying that she wasn't a victim because I'm sure she probably was but at the same time don't act like now that this audio was leaked that she's some type of victimised Angel when you all were pretty clear about how much you hated her 2 seconds ago.

That's all I have to say. In the wise words of jack Johnson take this information as you will.

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