Twenty Three

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POV: Seokjin
Jungkook glanced over at the cute cat calendar sitting in the infirmary and then back at me.

"You said your birthday was on the 4th of December, right?" Jungkook squinted. He was still nine years old at the time, but was very mature for his age.

"Yup, that's right."

"What day is it today, then?"

"The 4th of December."

There was a small pause- a moment of complete silence as he turned to me with a blank expression on his face.

"Happy birthday, Jinnie!" he suddenly exclaimed, throwing his arms out at me. "How old are you now?"

"Hm, I'm not sure," I chuckled. "I'm so old, think I've lost count! Do you know how old I am now?"

He shook his head. "But it doesn't matter anyway, because age is just a simple number. Life is still life, no matter how old you are!"

"That's right, Kookie, that's some great advice. You really know your stuff, eh?" I raised an eyebrow. "I know that you're a very smart and poetic child.. one day, you're going to make someone's heart really flutter with joy."

Just like he made mine flutter.

"Jinnie?" he cocked his head to the left, his brown coconut head swishing sideways.

"Yes, Kookie?"

"What is the meaning of life? What is life all about, really?" he asked.

"You tell me, Kookie, you tell me. I think that everybody has a different opinion on what 'life' really is, so I can only tell you my personal view on life, if that would even slightly try to help you."

"Hm... to me, I think that life is just like a long video game. You have to finish all of the quests, battle all of the bad guys, and complete all of the missions from the people that you meet. You get coins, tokens, and little love hearts. In the end, when the game finishes, you die, but if you have a good high score, it means you lived a nice life because you've done loads of things."

"That's a good explanation, baby," I nodded. "Can I possibly give you one of my own love hearts?"

"Of course, Jinnie. Only for the person I really love!" he giggled.

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