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POV: Jungkook
The hospital felt huge.

My heart was pounding as I tried to take deep breaths to calm myself down. Unfortunately, that only backfired and I ended up feeling extremely dizzy and nervous instead, which was not what I wanted.

I've been waiting for my results to come back for nearly two hours now, but I knew that I couldn't rush the hospital as they were very busy and had many patients to look after. Well, that's the reason why anybody is here anyway: to be looked after and cared for so they can get better.

I felt so faint and sick sitting in the waiting room for so long, and even worse on my own. They took so many blood tests, asked so many questions that my head was spinning. I just felt so drained out from today that I wanted to get it over with as soon as possible.

I didn't even know what was happening to me, but I was simply getting weaker, and paler, and skinner, and more tired recently, for no reason whatsoever. I don't even look like the same person I was half a year ago.

It's absolutely crazy.

I prayed and hoped that I only had something minor, like low blood pressure, something that could easily be fixed by some regular iron tablets, or even better, nothing bad at all. Perhaps my diet had just changed slightly or my body was maturing and it was my hormones acting up.

Nothing major, please.

I saw a lady come out of a hospital room, her hands covering her face, crying. An old man stood up to comfort her as she wept her bad news to the man, who was presumably her husband. He gasped in shock and embraced the lady, whispering that everything would be alright soon.

Now, I don't know what those bad news were, but I wished that the lady would go through her struggles with courage and strength, unlike me, a weak being.

The day I fainted, I realised just how much I had changed physically. It also happened to be in the middle of a theatre performance as well, while I was actually on stage, which was extremely embarrassing, but also made me a burden for others who worried and panicked.

I think they took too much blood out of me, because I managed to feel even more exhausted than I was before.

The room started to spin all of a sudden, and I was losing my vision quickly. I blinked several times, hoping that I would be able to see properly again, but it wasn't working- in fact, it was making my vision blur and go even more.

"Mr. Jeon! The doctors are ready to see you now, sir!" a sweet lady yelled from the reception office, and I quickly stood up.

"Yes, I'm h-"

I didn't remember anything that happened after my head hit the floor with a loud thump.

Doctor, Doctor | JinKookWhere stories live. Discover now