Sixty Four

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POV: Jungkook

My voice came out whispery and shaky, but that was about as loud as I could go. Every breath felt sharp, sudden and painful, it was almost as if I was pushing my limit with everything.

"Jungkook, you alright?" Kimi dashed over to me with a cup of water. "You're looking so pale... I don't know whether your treatment was too late or not... you've been for chemo before, right?"

"Y-yeah, but..."

It was taking so much effort just for me to open my mouth and mumble a couple of words, I couldn't even finish my sentence.

"Jungkook, drink! You have to drink some water!" Kimi ordered, shoving the plastic cup into my face. "I'll get some iron tablets for you in a second, so just drink, Jungkook!"

My head was throbbing. Kimi's voice was constantly echoing in my head like an annoying, yet catchy song from a television commercial.

I took the cup in both of my hands and weakly tried to sit up, slowly drinking the water. I only managed to drink about a third of the cup before I put it down and sighed. This is so useless.

"Here!" Kimi came back a moment later, cradling a box full of medicine. "Take two, okay? And then we have some other pills for you, because your condition is worsening, and if we don't sort this out soon, you'll..." Her voice trailed away. I know she didn't want to say it so she hesitated.

"I'll die. I know that. I've been told that a million times by now." I said flatly.

I overheard Kimi on the phone while I was taking my tablets, talking to Chairi, I believe. I heard her say that she was coming to the hospital because she knew a 'certain someone' would be here today. I honestly had no idea what she was talking about until those familiar screaming voices showed up a couple hours later.

"Chairi! Chairi, I have your money! Please!" I heard someone cry.

"Took you long enough, filthy bitch! How'd you get this money, huh? I swear if you did some illegal shit to get this-"

"Why are you here?! I told you to leave and never come back, you idiot! You don't need to be here- I believe that the lovely mental hospital next door will be of more use to you than here!"

Is he... Is he back?!

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