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POV: Seokjin
"Goodbye, Seokjin. It was nice while it lasted." she said flatly, grabbing the last of her luggage as she slid her red high heels on.

I wasn't the one leaving: she was.

Except that she was taking my children with her. All three of them would be gone by the time Chairi shut the door for the last time.

We had a decent house, but there would be no point in me living in an empty house, on my own.

"M-mummy?" Jungki stuttered, tugging on Chairi's jacket sleeve.

"What is it?" her eyes stayed glued to the luggage that was sitting on the front porch.

"Where are we going?" Jungki asked. "Why isn't daddy coming with us?"

"He doesn't want to come, darling. You, me, and the twins are going somewhere far away, okay? Daddy won't be coming with us, and we won't ever be coming back. We're going forever, and you won't ever see daddy again, so say goodbye to him, okay?" she said monotonously, avoiding eye contact with me.

"B-but I love daddy! I want to see him everyday, and hug him, and give him kisses, and talk to him! I don't want to leave if daddy isn't going to come with us!" Jungki sulked, clinging onto my leg like a little koala. Aged three and a half, now. Nearly four, but not quite.

Taegguk and Jeongguk were two, but they were quiet compared to their older sister Jungki. It would have been nice to have had two daughters as well as two sons, but now I wouldn't have any of them, so I guess there's nothing I could do. Life is life, and some people just move on.

After a while of silence and awkward feet shuffling, Chairi turned around and twisted the knob of the front door with a sigh She seemed a bit hesitant, but she opened the door anyway, letting in a gust of freezing cold air.

She took a glance at her left hand, and twisted the small diamond ring off of it, reluctantly turning back round to face my direction.

"Mummy, why are you taking off your special diamond wedding ring? People only do that when two people don't love each other anymore! Mummy, what are you doing?" Jungki gasped, trying to stop her, but I just shook my head and looked straight at her.

"She doesn't love me anymore, Jungki. I'm sorry, but that's it."

Thank you all so much for 600 followers! Maybe I'll even get to 1K one day?

Also, this is a really important question and I want everybody to answer it, but if I wrote a normal romance story (not fanfiction, not BTS related but like standard teen fiction) would you guys be up to read it? Because I've got some beautiful story ideas but I want to keep them non-kpop related and branch out into general fiction as well as BTS fanfiction but I'm scared that nobody would want to read it. Would you peeps read my stories?

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