Fifty Four + Tag

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POV: 3rd Person
As much as Seokjin and Jungkook were in love, the younger boy's body was weakening at a rapid pace, and it got to the point where he was passing out almost every day, it was a bit too unbearable for him.

"H-help!" he cried out, his body making contact with the freezing cold floor of the hospital. "I-I can't get up, somebody please help me!"

He always tried to get out of his hospital room and find Seokjin when he wasn't with him, but he never succeeded as his body would always fail him.

"Come on, sir! Let's get you up and back to your hospital bed, shall we?"

He nodded, and took the kind assistant's hand to slowly hoist himself up. However, this time, he didn't stay up.

"M-my legs..." Jungkook stuttered.

"Are you alright, sir? Do your legs hurt?" he asked worriedly, carefully examining them. He was holding onto the assistant's hands as tightly as he could, but his legs still felt like jelly, like they were refusing to stay up.

"I-I can't move them," he mumbled.

"Can you stand up on your own, sir?" he asked, slowly letting go of Jungkook. He nearly toppled forwards, but for a bit he could stand still on his own without any help. "Hmm, I think it'd be best if we got you a wheelchair, perhaps. I don't think crutches are going to do you any justice at this point. Can you bend them? Move them at all? Or are they completely stiff?"

He was so scared of falling over that he ended up bending his knees ever so slightly. They were fine when he did that, and when the assistant walked off to find him a spare wheelchair, naturally he tried to follow along by walking, completely forgetting that his legs were frozen.

"Agh!" Jungkook screamed, his body slamming onto the floor with a loud crash. He tried to get up again but he couldn't. He kept on trying but he just couldn't walk anymore.

"Sir, sir! Are you alright? H-here, I'll pick you up and then you can sit here, okay?" the assistant came dashing back with a wheelchair.

"How long am I going to have to be in a w-wheelchair?" He asked.

"I'm afraid it'll probably have to be for a very long time if you can't really move them at all."

TAG TIME! I haven't been tagged in a while but thank you to @JinOppaIsMyBae (I'm not sure why I can't tag you but I'm sorry) for the tag!!

1. What's your lock screen?
A photo of me and one of my best friends posing "candid" with the clock tower (Big Ben, but technically that's not the name of the tower cos that's the name of the bell inside lol) jus casually in the background haha

2. How long have you liked kpop?
I don't really remember but it was before 2012,, I think when PSY became really big around that time, I got into more and more korean groups and here I am lol

3. Who's your OTP?

4. Which member would you take to a deserted island?
Probably Joonie, cos he's v smart so he'll figure out a way for us to get off that island haha,, also so we can rap cool songs together lol

5. Favourite BTS song?
Mmmm I don't really have one to be honest, I guess if I had to pick one it'd be Baepsae cos of the hype haha

6. Single or taken?

7. Ideal type?
Someone who isn't afraid to show their feelings to me, who won't sugarcoat anything for me and someone who would hit me with reality since I know that perfect relationships don't exist and sometimes shit goes wrong and you jus gotta accept it. I want someone who'll be real with me and not hide shit from me, lie to me or expose me, somebody who'd love me in the moment someone who would look at me like I'm the best thing in the world. Someone who'd accept my flaws and of course I would do the same.

8. Last BTS song you listened to?
A mashup of Butterfly X Save me

9. Who's your bias wrecker?
Well I have two biases but my ult is Seokjin so my wrecker would be Jimin then? Haha idk I love all of em tho

10. Who do you think you'd get on with best?
I've got quite a rough, more guarded personality and I like edgy shit but I'm not always a grumpy turtle when I'm around people I love so Yoongi probably ^^

And honestly idk who to tag (plus I'm lazy sorry lol) and I can't think of any questions so I tag all of you lol

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