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POV: Seokjin
"Come on, do you want my child to die or what?!" an angry lady stormed into the waiting room, as I nervously stood there, calling the next patient's name.

"I-I'm sorry, madam," I mumbled nervously. "We do have a lot of patients today, and we don't have enough staff at the moment to be catering for your child's needs... so I'm afraid you are going to have to wait a bit, sorry."

"Oi! My kid is dying over here! He's got a fever!" the lady panicked, but I just raised an eyebrow.

"A fever?" I said. "Seriously?"

"Give my son some paracetamol! Or some ibuprofen!" she demanded, but I just shook my head.

"Your son will be perfectly fine by tomorrow, I can assure you," I said, rolling my eyes. "Now, next patient, please! Mr. Park?"

"Yeah, that's me." a guy weakly got up from his seat, and dragged his legs over to the door.

"Goodbye, madam, I hope you have a nice day," I muttered, before letting the man inside. "So, what seems to be the problem?"

"I dunno... I just feel like my legs are gonna stop working at any moment, you know..." he said wearily. "I just feel tired all the time, and..."

"Uhm..." I didn't really know how to respond to that. "I think that if you have some caffeine, you'll be better again?" I suggested.

What else was I supposed to say?

"Er... like, in coffee and stuff?" he asked monotonously. "Like, when you drink energy drinks?"

"Yeah, exactly, like in coffee!" I enthused. "I am positive that caffeine will help you! Trust me, I'm a doctor." I grinned.

No, actually, I do paediatrics.

"Mmkay," he slowly got up, stretching his arms with a yawn. "Thanks, doc."

"Yeah, sure, no problem," I said awkwardly. "I'm happy to help any time!"

As the patient left, I let out a long, exhausted sigh. I had been working for ten hours already, and I still had another four hours left for my shift.

It's only been a year since I left working at the primary school, but I had to say, I missed it a lot. I preferred working with bright children, rather than with mopey adults.

I missed seeing Kookie everyday with a huge smile on his face, talking to me about what happened at school the other day, or about his favourite movies.

He told me everything.

I felt like a close uncle to him, or even like a second dad. I was always there for him when he needed me, and he would always bring a smile to my face when I needed the joy.

I didn't want to be doing this.

I wanted to help children, and help them recover from horrible diseases and illnesses that attacked them.

This was just being another old, normal doctor. Sure, this is part of the medical field, but it wasn't what I wanted to do.

Kookie, are you doing well?
Are you doing well without me?

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