Twenty Six + tag

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POV: Seokjin
"How many times am I gonna tell you to stop doing that?" Chairi sighed, rolling up my sleeves. "You told me you stopped ages ago, but don't lie to me, these are clearly fresh cuts."

She slumped her back against the chair as she started to trace my scars with her finger, gently.

"Don't do this again, I told you to stop, so many times... what's wrong, Seokjin? Tell me, what's triggering you to do this?" she asked quietly. "Why don't you ever tell me anything anymore? What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing is wrong with me!"
I yelled. "Don't act as if I'm some sort of lunatic who needs to be locked up! Stop! I'm fine!"

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me!" she shouted back, her face scrunching up with pure anger. "Seriously, what is wrong with you now? Why can't you just tell me what's upsetting you? Why do you hide things from me? I'm your wife! You're supposed to tell me everything! No secrets! Whatever happened to that, hm? Maybe I could help you if you actually told me something!"

"Oh, shut up, Chairi! What would you know, anyway?"
I scoffed, my body flinching as her fingers made contact with the skin on my arm.

"Don't tell me to shut up, Seokjin! For goodness' sake, what is up with you nowadays?! You're like a completely different person now! You've changed..." she hissed.

"Maybe I haven't changed. M-maybe I'm just moving forwards in my life! I dunno what part of life you're stuck in, but we're clearly not on the same page anymore!" my voice was getting louder, the more I spoke. "Stop acting like you know everything about me!"

"Well, you're not telling me anything, so the only thing I can do is to take a guess on everything now! You give me no choice, do you? All you do is blab on about work, whatever, whatever!" she waved her arms about in the air, frantically.

"Work is what is feeding our family! Work is what is paying our bills, and everything! Do you expect me to just not work?! You do realise, money doesn't just magically appear! It doesn't just grow on trees, believe it or not! You have to work for it, every penny, you have to earn it!"

"What are you on about?"

"You have to earn everything in life! Just like once, you earned my respect, my care, and my love for you! Where has all of that gone, huh? Where has our relationship gone? Gone down the fucking drain, hasn't it?! Don't you agree with that?"

"D-did you just swear at me?!" her jaw was open wide. "What did you just say?!"

"Our love has gone down the fucking drain, hasn't it?!" I repeated louder as the sound of my voice resonated through the living room. "We're nothing now! Absolutely fucking nothing!"

"Oh, shut your mouth!" she shook her head. "Just fuck off, Seokjin! I don't understand you anymore! You're just spitting out all of this bullshit, putting the fucking blame on me now, aren't you?" she screamed.

I then heard some footstep sounds, and little Jungki popped up, looking shaky, teary eyed.

"Mommy, daddy, are you okay?"

Well, I'm gonna leave that chapter there bc I've been tagged by the lovely Kissmeonthemouth , thank you ^o^

1. Do I have a crush?
Well, I really liked this one guy for nearly 3 years but his friends kinda changed him and he's a douchebag now even tho he used to be so sweet so not really
(Edit: I still like him ((like a lot)) so rip me #MaybeILoveHim???)

2. Middle name?
I don't like my middle name at all so I'm not gonna say it :/

3. Height?
154cm, last time I checked

4. Shoe size?
UK size 2.5 ^o^

5. Eye colour?
Very nearly black :)

6. Last time you cried?
Last night :/ lol I'm sad

7. Biggest fear?
Well I'm trypophobic and I have a fear of change but my biggest fear would be of 'getting caught' which sounds weird but I kinda get paranoid over certain things sometimes and it does affect me a lot #rip

8. Last song I listened to?
'Gravel To Tempo' by Hayley Kiyoko

9. Last person you texted?
LuvisLuvman ^o^

10. Favourite app?
Hm probably my Spotify, insta or Wattpad ahahah

And I'm not tagging 20 people bc I cba so I'm only tagging a few~


ok that's it I don't wanna tag the same people so that's it lol

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