Scars Don't Go Away

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Drake had managed to make copies of the keys and put the originals of both in their proper places. He would have been infuriated and in fact he had been most of the night that Dane had taken Jade and not him to meet his grandfather if he had't seen how awful Damien looked that morning and heard the story of how Dane had to help him home. He hated it when Damien got hurt or was incapable of dealing with himself because he feared being roped into helping the man he wanted to avoid at all costs. It was interesting meeting his long haired granduncle though.

His eyes were very similar to Damien's, but his calm attitude akin to his own uncle those was the first things that he noticed. Yet it was Aldric who couldn't stop noticing Drake. His eyes never seemed to leave him and every time that Drake glanced at the man, he was staring right at him. He gave him faint smile and then looked away, but once Drake turned his eyes elsewhere he could feel Aldric's red hot glare return.

"Didn't bother changing your shirt?" Drake laughed, glancing at the ends of Damien's brown sleeves which had once been white.

They were all casually sitting in the living room, doing their own thing, which seemed to be reading as there wasn't much else to do in that world.

He glanced at Drake, but only raised an eyebrow in response.

"What happened to you any ways?" He continued to laugh as if it were some joke that Damien could be hurt. Damien smiled to himself in an irritated way, but still didn't respond until Drake sneered, "I hope it doesn't leave a scar."

"Do you want something?" He growled, scowling at Drake. "Why are you talking when you have absolutely nothing to say? God, you're a useless brat!"

Dane frowned at Damien as if the words meant something very significant and Jade glanced at Drake as he fell silent for a moment. The words had stung him, but he wouldn't let Damien know that. "Well, that hit a nerve," he smiled at Damien cruelly. Why was he lashing out though? He thought to himself. He hadn't done it in a while. It was probably because he was still annoyed that he hadn't been aloud to meet his grandfather. Whatever, it didn't seem as though Damien was in a fighting mood any ways.

Damien rolled his eyes and then landed them back onto the book in his lap as he took a sip of the steaming mug in his right hand.

"So what's he like?" Drake titled his head towards Jade, who was sitting in a blue cushioned chair at his right, "My grandfather."

"Terrifying," she spoke slowly as if she weren't sure that she was supposed to be speaking about the man. "He reminded me a lot of Damien even though he looked kinda like Dane."

Damien immediately spit out the coffee in his mouth out onto the stone, floor to stare at Jade in complete shock. In fact he almost dropped the mug all together with that mouth of his hanging wide open. Drake smiled his glare was void of any anger. "How on earth so?" He sounded offended.

"I dunno," she mumbled, twirling a string of her dark hair around her finger absentmindedly, "you both have this overpowering presence and have cruel smiles."

"You don't even know him, my darling" Damien laughed cooly, leaning back into his chair once more as if that confirmed that she was wrong. There was a small tint of anger in his voice now. "He's worthless gutter trash who is as poor as dirt."

Drake smiled as shivers ran down his body. How he hoped that Damien's father had given him half the amount of grief that Damien had given Drake over the years. "What do you think of him, granduncle?"

The man turned his eyes onto Drake and sighed, "Well, he is my brother, but I cannot excuse his behavior. I despise him."

"Really?" Drake laughed, "and Dane?"

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