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Damien glared at her as if he were disgusted with her, but eventually sat down beside her, replying angrily, "Of course not, I've never actually been out here, just seen it through the train windows. Do you?"

"No," she whispered. "Where are your siblings?"

"Wondering around out here somewhere with whoever else got off that train," he sighed, watching Drake pound the metal wall with his fists and tear at his own hair. A smile slipped onto his face, curling just at the tips malevolently.

However, Petra slapped it off, "You're a cruel bastard. Why do you find so much pleasure in his suffering?"

His eyes spun towards her furiously, as he lunged out for her, catching her by her throat and reeling her in closer to him, "You can't even begin to imagine the half of it darling."

"Oh of course not, Damien," she spat in his face, "because you are the only person to ever suffer." He stared at her blankly as she continued, "You had your chance with Lyra and face it you fucked everything up with her. You cannot be angry at the world for your own damn mistakes! Just be happy for her that she was able to get away from you and move on."

"You do know that she's dead right," He asked, raising his eyebrows at her.

Her eyes widened, "N-no, I thought that that was just part of the lie for Drake" she stammered, glancing at Drake, who was still screaming, "but that would mean that Jade-"

"Is all that I have left of her and she still hates me?" Damien spat. "yes, precisely."

Her mouth dropped open, "And Drake-"

"She loves him," Damien finished her sentence bluntly.

Petra's stare at him softened, "But she doesn't know that yet."

"It's only a matter of time," he sighed, leaning back and lying down on his back to look up into the pitch black endless ceiling. Laying his bare arms out above his head, revealing the gruesome scars that barred his inner arms from wrist to shoulder. They were so deep at least an angled inch and had never quite healed properly. She pursed her lips, pretending to ignore them.

"You love Lyra still?" She asked, leaning over him to look him in the eye, so she didn't have to stare at his arms. Her hair fell into his face and he moaned slightly, trying to blow it away with his mouth. "How can you still love her? She's a different person in Jade, completely and you-"

"How so," his lips moved gently to form the words, through her tangled bloody hair, "tell me how she is in any way different because believe me I have tried to find any possible reason no matter how small to not see Lyra in Jade. I just can't do it!"

She bit her lip utterly at a loss for words, until Damien smiled, "She is afraid of blood even though the incident which generated that fear happened in Lyra's time, she speaks like her, she dresses like her, and she hates me like her. There is absolutely no difference between the two of them."

"And Drake knows now," she said glancing at him once more.

"Yes, regrettably to say the least," Damien sighed, "but why do you even care?"

She frowned at him, "You don't know?"

The muscles in his face tensed up, beneath the mask of her hair. "Know what precisely love?"

"Never mind," she grumbled to herself and sat down away from him.

He laughed, "Oh that?"

She scowled as her insides twisted.

"I have made it very clear to you that I don't feel anything for you, barely even friendship and that's just for old times' sake. That's more than Drake can say," he laughed again, "any ways you're the one who prearranged our relation, weren't you?"

"And you wonder why everyone hates you," she muttered to herself through a bitter laugh.

He sat up, "Even if I were to be the most kind and generous person in all of the worlds, people would still hate me. You should know that better than anyone. People are terrified of my power, rightly so. I'm terrified of it, but that still raises the question why try to be someone I'm not if it makes no difference."

"Just keep telling yourself that Damien," Petra laughed to herself, shaking her head in disagreement. She opened her mouth to speak, but found herself doubling over with laughter again. Taking a deep breath, she sighed, "Just look at Drake."

"What about him?" Damien growled, clearly unamused.

"He has your power correct?" She smiled. "Yet, Jade loves him and not you."

"Yes, love," Damien responded, quicker than Petra expected, "but you're forgetting that only a few select people know that we share the same power. Ah, and that includes you doesn't it, but obviously excludes her. Anyways he has no access to it, my one and only gift to him. Now tell me what was it you said to me the other night?" He paused to laugh. "Oh right, wasn't it something along the lines of I hate Drake so much that I would kill him myself if I could."

"You're wrong and you know it," she muttered, shaking her head again. She adverted her eyes to Drake, who had finally stopped screaming and was now sitting on the floor with his head in his hands. "Even if I can't prove it."

Damien followed her gaze and smiled slightly before standing and walking over to him.

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