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"Why haven't you been sick?" Drake snapped, irritatedly as he stood straight, moaning as his stomach clenched up.

Jordan gave him a pitying look and sighed, "Because it's my power. My body is built for it; your's simply isn't."

"And how many more times will we be traveling?" Drake groaned.

"Well, five times for each year," Jordan responded, "and he's . . . twelve this year. So that's a total of five years and that means twenty-five time travels. Um, we have twenty-three left."

Drake nodded. If it was the price to get Jade back from Damien's clutches he'd gladly throw up a hundred times more.

"Now," Jordan said, peering around through the crisp night air, "we'll need to stay in this time for twenty-four hours same as last time. See if you can't hear anything from her."

"Right," Drake muttered, "only problem is I'm not tired and it's what the middle of the night?"

Jordan smiled, "No, it's about nine o'clock. Come on we can still find Damien here if we're quick. He'll be at Alastair's house with Lyra."

Digging his fingers into his eyes, Drake sighed. He hadn't exactly planned on getting a personal detour through Damien's life. "Why must we follow Damien's past self everywhere?"

Jordan stopped walking and rake noticed that his hands were in two tight fists. "Listen closely to me, Drake. I understand that this will be painful for you, but when we do hit the time that Jade is in. We will need to find her as soon as possible. From what Damien has told me, she is in eminent danger and as that means she will most likely be with him. It is wise for us to begin heading towards him as soon as we reach a different time. Get it?"

"Yeah," Drake snapped back at him. He was angry that Damien had made him do this and was bringing it out on Jordan. He didn't even give a damn about Jade. Why was he doing this? Why didn't he just make Jordan take him back? He sighed heavily, realizing that he did in fact care about Jade and she needed him. She had been there for him every time that he's needed her even though she had hated him. It was the least he owed her to save her life. Not to mention that she was his only key to setting time back to it's moving self. "Sorry, I know you're right," Drake muttered, "could we maybe just grab some food really quickly? I haven't eaten since Damien and I were on the train."

Jordan nodded with a faint forgiving smile, "Of course."

As the two of them sat in the booth of the nearest and cheapest restaurant they could find eating their food, Jordan asked Drake, "Don't you hate Jade? Why did Damien send you of all people to retrieve her?"

Drake looked up shocked from his glass of water, which he'd been spinning around and around, waiting for the liquid to spill over the edge. He had been enjoying the long silence that had been building up since they sat down, but manners were manners. "Of course I hate her," Drake replied casually, there was no reason for Jordan to know everything about Drake, "I am nothing like Damien and while he may have fallen for Lyra, who is apparently just like Jade in every aspect. I am not privy to such feelings for the girl." He paused to glance at his water once more, wishing for something stronger, but knowing he needed his wits if he was to complete the task at hand. "As for Damien sending me," he sighed, "I suppose I'll be the only one other than the younger Damien who can definitely tell the two girls apart."

Jordan nodded, lifting his steaming mug off coffee to his lips. Then setting it down with a clunk against the wooden table, he muttered, "That does make sense, but then why are you doing this . . . for Damien?"

"That's a joke!" Drake laughed, leaning back into his chair, "The only reason I am doing this is so that I can return to my own time and get the hell away from him."

Pursing his lips and nodding silently once more, Jordan commented, "I'm hoping that Damien has explained to you that when everyone returns to their own time, those who have been duplicated will become one."

"Meaning," Drake frowned.

"Meaning," Jordan sighed, "that most likely you and Damien will be merged with one another. Same goes for Lyra and Jade."

Drake felt a twinge of fear strike through his heart, cold and deadly. If he couldn't bare to live beside Damien. How could he stand to live with him inside of himself? Surely Damien would easily stamp out Drake like he didn't exist. "I-I can't live like that!"

Jordan eyed him cautiously. "No, I don't think either of you could. One will tear the other part, killing the both of you."

"What am I to do then?" Drake held back a scream as he clenched the table hard between his fingers and palms.

"I'd like say kill Damien," Jordan answered casually as if it were nothing, "but that would more than likely result to nothing. So no reason risking that-"

"Wait," Drake interrupted him in a panicky voice, "you d-did just say that it was likely, right? Like there's a chance that may not happen?"

Jordan tilted his head up and down, reply yes. "But the chances of everyone from the last seventeen years simply vanishing, don't seem to be great to me."

"Does Damien know this," Drake's voice cracked as did the table beneath his nails.

"I was assuming so, but since you seem so unnerved by this," Jordan answered slowly, "I'm beginning to doubt my first presumptions."

"I'd rather live by his side forever than have him live within my head," Drake replied coldly. "Jade will agree with me. We won't risk those chances. We won't travel back to our time, if those are the stakes!"

"So then," Jordan smiled, "what's your purpose for being here now? You aren't here to retrieve Jade so you can get away from Damien. It appears that you are now here to save Jade, for her sake."

Checkmate. Drake stood up angrily, "You made all of that up about Damien and myself being combined just to hear me say that?"

Jordan nodded, picking up his chipped mug once more, "You need to be honest with me Drake in whatever I ask you," he motioned to Drake with his hand holding the mug before taking a sip of the hot liquid, "When we do come across Jade, retrieving her will be . . . demanding and I will need to be able to predict how you will react."

"What the hell does that mean?" Drake laughed, letting out steam from his raging temper as he sat back down.

"Nothing," Jordan chuckled, "nothing that matters yet."

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