You Cannot Leave, My Love

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That night Jade slept well, dreaming of the following morning, when she'd walk through those doors and breathe in the fresh air, when she'd feel that weight lifted from her chest and be free of everything and everyone except for Drake, but he wouldn't be much of a bother.

She was taking the first step, waiting for her foot touch the ground. The wind was rushing through her hair, pushing it into and behind her face. Smiling she let her foot touch the ground, but it all suddenly disappeared and she stood suspended above an endless hole darker than black ink. Smiles, smiles everywhere, his smiles had she actually thought she could escape. She had to come back sometime. Then the sound of a fired pistol and a bullet was sent through her chest. She cracked like glass. The smiles were grinning at her. White teeth glistening at her in the darkness and then she shattered.

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