Sick of it

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The next morning Drake was shocked to see Damien wrapped in a fuzzy blue blanket sitting on the couch staring out at the wall. He looked awful. Glancing from Jade, who was sitting with her legs folded in a chair to Dane who was sipping at a mug of coffee, wearily.

"What is going on?" Drake growled. "It's past eleven o'clock."

"I'm sick," Damien glared at him darkly, immediately darkening the room around him, "so stop your shouting."

Well, at least the man wasn't moping. It seemed that his uncle's genius plan had worked.

"And what about you?" he turned his eyes onto Jade, who had picked up her little cat and was gently playing with it. She was still in her pajamas and her hair was a disaster.

"I guess we're all staying in today," she muttered absentmindedly, not allowing her eyes to leave the cat. "It's going to storm badly."

"Do you have somewhere to be Mr. Grumpy," Amon smiled at him, cruelly.

"No," Drake snapped, "but sitting in this living room with the lot of you the entire day, makes me want to vomit."

"Don't," Damien placed a hand to his mouth as if he were going to be sick, "talk about things like that."

"So get a healer," Drake rolled his eyes.

"So go fuck yourself," Amon snapped, narrowing his eyes at his nephew.

"So go drown yourself in some-" Drake began to shout, completely surrendering to his anger.

"Okay," Dane stood up, placing his mug down with a loud clunk, "calm down, the three of you."

There was a long silence after Dane sat down, shaking his head and drinking from his steaming mug as he watched the colors on the television move. Amon sighed and turned his eyes onto the device as well.

"Why don't you sit down?" Damien broke the silence calmly, smiling evilly at Drake. The way he had worded it, he wasn't making it a command. Obviously his illness would prevent him from being strong enough to control his power.

"Because the only seat left is next to you on that couch," Drake snarled, folding his arms across his chest defensively. What did the man want from him?

"I don't bite," he laughed through that smile and Drake let his eyes notice how abnormally sharp Damien's canine teeth were. The man ended up coughing afterwards though and blowing his nose into a few tissues.

"Then I don't want to get sick!" Drake hissed. Damien smiled at him almost peacefully as he tilted his head.

"Just sit down, why don't you?" He laughed gently again, adding that question mark to his sentence. "You're making me uncomfortable."

"And we wouldn't want that!" Drake barked. He was uncomfortable, staring at a man who looked so much like himself and who he despised. He wondered silently to himself, and not for the first time, how old Damien really was. He looked so young. In fact Drake couldn't remember him ever looking a different age. The man disturbed him to no end. "I'll sit on the floor if you don't want me standing over you.''

"No," Jade sighed as she stood. He'd been ignoring her and her thoughts and had almost forgotten that she was even in the room. "Sit in my chair. I'll sit on the couch." I know how hard it is for you.

You know nothing. "Fine," he growled and switched seats with her. She didn't even look at Damien or seem to acknowledge that he was there and just simply stroked her cat. Drake could easily tell that it was irritating Damien

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