A Second Attempt Brewing

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The two months without Damien's glares and snarls, were more pleasant than Jade could have even imagined. If only Dane hadn't left for his own journey too, things would be perfect, but instead she was stuck in that enormous house with only Amon and Drake to keep her company.

It was the last week before Damien would return, when Drake came up to her after breakfast, "He'll be back in seven days."

"I know," she responded from where she sat, holding a book, filled with pictures of course.

"Do you though," he dropped to his knees so that he was eye level with her, making it almost impossible to not meet his eyes. "When he comes back, he will be in a terrible mood. He despises his work and Dane will not be here to calm him. He will throw all of that anger onto you without a doubt."

"Why do you care then?" She sighed, looking back down at the beautiful picture of the ocean. She couldn't help but to fall into it's rolling, splashing, blue waves, listening to the thunder over head.

"Dearest," Drake jerked her attention back to him, "he will be in a temper like you have never seen the likes of."

"Oh?" She smiled. "What do you want me to do Drake? Hide?"

"No," he frowned, placing his hand on her thigh, "just don't be your normal self and tempt his anger because he will punish you and ultimately me."

"I see," she replied coldly, turning away from him as usual he was a selfish as Damien.

"Good," he stood up, removing his hand and then stooped down to kiss her hard on her lips.

She flinched involuntarily and pursed her lips so that he could only press his lips on hers. He pulled away, "You need to get over it, already."

"I have," she snapped at him, "just not when we don't have to, Drake."

"How else will it become natural?" He growled

"It won't be and it never should be," she buried her nose back into her book, sending a deep growl out of Drake.

"You make it so impossible for me to keep him happy! You know that?" He hissed.

"Why do you even give a damn?" She muttered in a mocking sort of way, raising her voice on every other word.

"Because darling, dearest," Drake made sure that each word mocked her in turn, "I . . ."

Jade sat there ready, waiting for him to find his words, but he never did and instead he turned and left, shaking his head, his boots clunking against the carpet and then echoing once he reached the wood of the hallway.

After dinner, Drake went up to his room without giving Jade a word or thought, but she assumed that he was simply worn out. She didn't go to her room, though. Instead she went to sit by the fire in the library with Amon. She didn't particularly enjoy his company, but there was no one else in the house, which was perfect. She only needed to get him drunk and it wouldn't be that hard. He'd probably do most of the work himself.

"So," she said sitting down on the carpet. It looked more expensive than she could imagine and even so it wasn't comfortable to sit on.

"So?" Amon didn't look away from the roaring fire, which illuminated his face, leaving dark haunting shadows in his hollow cheeks.

"When does your brother get home?" She asked as casually as possible.

He smiled, while furrowing his brow, "Which one, Jade."

She pressed her lips together at the sound of her name. He was the only one to use it to address her a hundred percent of the time in that dreadful house, "Damien."

"Oh, I don't know, I think he's coming home early" he turned his head from the fire to look at her darkly, "tomorrow morning?"

That was much sooner than she anticipated. She needed to act quickly.

"You seem worn out," she commented, but not as if she were interested in it. She didn't need him suspicious.

"You're right, I should go to bed," he sighed and then moved his legs as if he were about to get up.

"Wait," she yawned.

"What Jade?" He still wouldn't look at her as usual.

"Wanna have a drink with me?" Of course she wouldn't be the one doing that much drinking.

"No," he yawned to her surprise and horror, "I should be sober when Damien gets back or there will be hell to pay. You know how he gets after these trips."

Maybe if he went to bed that would be safe enough.

"However, I don't feel like I'll sleep well tonight. My nightmares are already about me," he muttered, looking around the room at people Jade couldn't see, "I will drink enough to get me into sleep."

She smiled that was precisely what she needed. "If you say so," she shrugged indifferently.

"Still want the company or shall I take the bottle up to my room and leave you to your own ghosts?" He smiled eerily.

She needed to leave as soon as possible. "No, Amon, just leave."

He grinned, "With pleasure Ly-Jade," he stumbled over his words. Jade froze. Was he about to call her a liar? Was he suspicious? Where had she gone wrong?

"Excuse me?" She spoke through a shaky voice.

"Nothing," he growled, "a simple error. Goodnight, Jade don't bother me after I'm gone."

With that he left her, smiling and almost free. She could taste it already, almost like the salty smell of the foamy ocean. She could just touch it. This was it, her chance to escape, finally after two months of waiting.

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