When All is Healed

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Petra didn't look back to see if Jade had gone because she knew that she had. Instead she peeked around the corner to see Damien sitting in a chair with his head in his hands. She glanced back to where Dane had discreetly locked the door with a faint clink and then took a quick stride into the room. He didn't lift his head or give any sign of knowledge of her presence.

Carefully, she lifted her hood from her face and took another step closer to him. She knew that Drake had always been afraid of him. She knew that everyone was afraid of him. He was a monster right? His power was monstrous, but right there and then sitting in that chair looking so defenseless Petra couldn't help, but to be curious about him again and she slipped off her cape.

The metal clutch hit the floor with loud clunk, sending his head up. His pale eyes rested on her carelessly. She waited to see a fire of excitement or slyness enter his eye, but his eyes never left her's nor did they seem to care to look anywhere else. She turned red from anger. Why was it that everyone and anyone she couldn't care less about struggled to not bother her, but he couldn't ever see past her eyes? "So he's here then?" Damien whispered and when she nodded, he spoke out forcefully, "Come here."

While the boy came into the room, Petra noticed Drake standing in the corner behind his father. It shocked her to see him. She had forgotten that he was supposed to be there with them. He wasn't looking at her though. He was staring at the boy and chewing on his lip.

"Why does he have to be so young Damien?" Drake hissed at Dane's brother. "What? He's barely ten?"

"I didn't chose him," Damien said slowly and coldly. "She did."

"Ah," he said and then fell silent, ready to watch whatever was going to happen. He recalled when he and Jade had been healed after Damien had so viciously broken their arms, but it was all behind closed curtains and he wasn't really sure how the process worked.

It all seemed to go by so fast. Damien had forced the boy over to him and while Dane stood in the corner with his face in his hands and Petra watching with a keen an interest, but not as quite as much of a disgust as Drake, Damien made the boy lay both his hands on the palms of Damien's hands. Then it seemed like everything was muted and in the background was a dull ringing noise as a bright light formed between Damien and the child's palms. The boy's face went rigid and blank as if in death and Damien began screaming in agony yet there still was no sound. Cut's began to form on the boy where they had been on Damien. The boy's right leg and left arm snapped that Drake could hear. The awful sound nearly made him vomit. He cringed and tried to look away, but before he could the boy collapsed and the blaring music roared all around the lot of them again.

Drake stared at the panting Damien doubled over with his mouth gaping wide open, blood drooling out of it hitting the carpeted floor, "You," he began, trembling from the anger firing up in him, "you've just killed an innocent nine year old boy!"

Damien smiled at him eerily with red teeth as he stood up trembling, examining his legs, "No, Drake, do you even know how healers work?"

Drake shook his head and not because he didn't know, which he didn't, but he couldn't believe how selfishly, cruel this man was. Damien grimaced as he pulled up one sleeve to study the scars on his arm. Maybe he had expected them to heal. He shook his head and looked up at Drake, wiping the blood from his mouth with the side of his arm.

"Each time a healer heals it kills them a little. They each only have a certain number of heals, but the more they heal the more powerful they become. So when they are on their last heal they are at their most powerful. That is why I needed one on their last because my injuries were far too great for any other type of healing. Do you get it? I didn't chose that particular boy. I would have chosen someone old and ready to die. Besides it was me and plenty of others that added up to his death," Damien replied, looking up from his legs and shrugging to Drake. He couldn't have been more cruel if he had tried.

Drake laughed at him angrily. "Now what? Am I to bury his body in our backyard?"

"Of course not," Damien strode over to him and put a bloodied arm around his shoulder bringing him in close. Drake's entire body went rigid. He couldn't remember the last time that Damien had touched him. He couldn't breathe like this. Even when he struck him he either ordered Drake or someone else to do the task or simply used Jade. With his arm around Drake he whispered, "We'll burn the body, but meanwhile you scurry up stairs and make sure that Jade isn't disobeying me," he stood up letting his arm slide off Drake's shoulder, "you too Petra."

She glowered at him, angry that he knew she was eavesdropping, "Come on," she hissed at Drake.

He rolled his eyes shaking off the feeling of Damien and giving the cruel man's smile one last glance left that room. Dane unlocked the door for the two of them. Drake studied the thin traces of wrinkles beginning to form in his forehead. He wouldn't doubt it if Dane died of a heart attack from all of the pressure Damien put him under.

"Take it easy, for goodness sake's," Drake muttered to him, "you're shaking."

He raised his eyebrows at him as if laughing, "Someone has to keep everything together."

Drake grinned at him, "Well, just try to keep him down here for as long as you can Ja-"

"Come on!" Petra shouted at him, having opened the door and letting the thundering and pulsating music even more into the room.

Dane bit his lip, "I'll try-"

"Great," Drake thanked him, patting his shoulder.

"But Drake," Dane growled, "do not let him see Jade and Erik together. In fact don't even let him hear of it. I'm afraid of what he'll do, now that he's back to his old self."

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