Crime and Punishment

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  "Drake I swear," Dane cursed him as they sat on the edge of that terrace again as Amon continued his series of vomiting spells. The sun was high in the sky as it was a few hours past noon and the heat was basically melting the three.

"I couldn't help it," he grumbled, mopping the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, "how could I not help anyone from Damien?"

Dane shook his head furiously, turning away from Amon completely, "You do realize that you are't the only one to suffer the consequences from this? I was supposed to be watching the two of you, while being Amon's crutch. Do you honestly think that Damien will take that lightly?"

Drake looked up at him indifferently, "Believe me when I say I will get the brunt of Damien's wrath. I was in charge of her thoughts and I helped her. I'll take full responsibility. I'm not afraid of him Dane," he sighed looking out onto the moving sea, "besides you are his favorite and even if he does strike out against you, you can calm him with a single touch." He smiled, "We really are lucky to have you with that power of your's, otherwise Damien would have murdered us long ago."

"You aren't squirming your way out of my irritation, Drake," Dane looked at him with a clenched jaw.

Drake smiled his own irritation, "So I'll be punished twice then?"

Dane rolled his eyes at that and then glanced to his right to check on Amon. Drake smiled as his uncle groaned in frustration and then simply laid down on the rock ledge he had been sitting on.

"Well," Drake hummed, "I suppose all we have to do is find the nearest bar or at least head in that direction," Dane moaned louder, banging his fist on the rock, "don't worry he couldn't have gotten very far."

"Damn it," Dane sat up with a heavy sigh, wiping his hand across his sweaty face, "it doesn't matter. In this world you can find a drink every ten feet! Come on, maybe we still have time to stop him."

"Should we split up then?" Drake smiled as Dane stood and looked left and then right as if gambling which way to go first.

Dane laughed and turned his eyes darkly on Drake, "I'm not letting anyone else out of my sight, my nephew."

It took them over an hour and a half to find Amon and when they did they still weren't sure how he had managed to walk so far in his condition, but nonetheless there he sat in front of them too drunk to even open his eyes. Drake watched Dane carefully, expecting him to have a panic attack. He paced back and forth after shoving a mug of coffee into Drake's hands, telling him to make Amon drink it.

"Damien is going to kill us," Drake sang through a laugh cooly as he held Amon up, sitting in the bench with him and drained the liquid down his throat.

No one else in the bar seemed to notice them even with Dane's constant pacing and muttering to himself. It took four cups to wake Amon up and once he was up Drake wished he could knock him out again.

"Come on," Amon laughed. "Damien will lever know, Dane! I am an incredible bliar."

"God, Amon," Dane collapsed into the bench on the other side the able, "I cannot handle this anymore."

"On that note," Drake smirked, placing his elbow on the table top and his chin on his hand, "Jade's in prison."

Dane looked up at him with an unspeakable anger and then stood up and walked out of the bar without another word. Drake laughed covering his mouth with his hand for a bit and then turned around, expecting to see his uncle storming back to drag Amon and himself back to the house, but he wasn't there. Drake sighed and leaned back into the bench while Amon started laughing hysterically. The gravity of what he had done and the trouble it was going to cost everyone was just beginning to dawn on him and remorse was just about to rise when Amon puked all over his lap.

Slowly Drake stood, letting the few solid contents slide onto the floor with a repulsive plop. He could feel the warm gooey slime sliding down his legs and the distinct pungent smell rising to his nostrils as his stomach tightened up and he too vomited on the floor on top of Amon's. He could feel a headache coming on and with a sigh he grabbed a napkin off the table and wiped his mouth and then his pants, doing little to no good. Amon stood up, immediately grabbing onto Drake's shoulder as he violently swayed back and forth like a sailor on a boat in a storm.

It was late afternoon by the time they left the bar and began to head towards Damien's. Amon basically riding on Drake's back in order to walk and Drake cursing their every step, but luckily they weren't too far away and they managed to arrive right before the sunset.

The house felt completely empty and Drake hoped that he could sneak to his room without running into Dane, but that was an improbable hope. The house was relatively dark, with a few chandeliers lit. Amon immediately plopped down into a chair and dozed off. Drake glanced at him and then kept walking into the house up to the room with the large circle pillow surrounded by couches. Then a clock rang midnight. He squinted through the dark as the awful feeling of being watched crawled over his skin

"Drake sit down," a deep voice spoke ominously.

Drake froze and then sat on the floor. His eyes were wide open and alert as his heart began to patter faster and faster, threatening to beat right out of his chest. A lamp was lit and Damien appeared before him sitting in a chair with his right leg crossed over the left. His eyes spilled out venom onto him. Cold sweat was forming on the back of Drake's neck. Would Damien kill him here? No, that was too easy, Drake knew that.

Damien stood to tower over Drake. His face twisted with anger as he raised one hand to strike Drake. He swung hard as Drake flinched, but stopped himself short, letting his hand hit the side of his leg as he began to scream at Drake like he never had before, "What the fuck have you done? Are you an absolute idiot? Do you know how hard I worked to get her here? Do you have any idea at all what you have done? I swear on your mother's fucking grave you will pay for this! Now tell me where the hell is she!"

Drake blinked a few times, processing everything through the ringing in his ears. He had never seen Damien so outwardly enraged. His face was red and he was breathing hard.

"Do I have to command everything out of you?" Damien continued to shout, grabbing him by the shirt and tearing him from the floor onto his feet, "Because I will. Speak!"

"Get off me," Drake snapped, pushing Damien off him, but that response was quickly met with a slap hard enough to be a punch to his right cheek. The blow sent him to the floor, banging his head hard on the stone. The taste of blood gushed into Drake's mouth.

"I am not in the mood for this," Damien hissed, kneeling down on the floor beside Drake.

Drake felt a rage burning through his chest as he spat out the blood onto the rug. He kicked Damien viciously in the stomach and leapt to his feet, but Damien had beat him to it and had grabbed him by the throat before he could even think what to do next.

"I am not going to deal with your games tonight," Damien growled squeezing hard on Drake's neck.

He glared at his father though fearless eyes, daring him to break his neck, almost begging him. Damien seemed to see past the guise though. He saw the true fear lying beneath Drake's bleeding smile.

"Break your arm," Damien smiled devilishly, throwing him back onto the ground like trash.

Drake stared up at him in horror, releasing all the pent up fear as he shook his head, beginning to beg Damien for mercy. "Damien, I'm begging you, please! No!" He screamed. However his father only stared down at him coldly and Drake place his right wrist into the ground and leaned further and further onto it until snap. He fell to the floor in pain, vomiting and screaming. Damien took the opportunity to kick him in the side so that he lay flat on his back. Then placing his shoe on Drake's pulsating chest asked calmly almost sweetly, "Where is she, Drake?"

Moaning through his jaw clenching pain, Drake hissed as he tried not to tremble in fear, "She's in some damn prison. I don't know where specifically, r-really."

"Now," Damien removed his foot and leaned down over his son, "that wasn't hard at all was it," he shook his head as if answering for Drake. His fake smile dropped and his eyes narrowed into thin slits, "This will be the last time you do something like this ever again."

Drake closed his eyes or maybe everything just went dark as he fainted from the pain.

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