It's the Details That Matter

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The morning light fluttered over his closed eyelids, slowly waking him. With a yawn he turned over, trying to avoid the sunlight, running his hand along the soft sheets. He couldn't quite remember where he'd slept that night, but he didn't care because if he thought about it too hard he'd wake up completely and he had the warm feeling that he'd been having a nice dream for once, maybe if he could just fall asleep again he'd wake back up into the dream. He was just on the brink of doing exactly that, when he heard a moan from beside him, which made him wonder who its was until he realized as his heart sunk. His eyes immediately flashed open, sinking all hopes of dreaming, and he slipped out of the bed quietly, stretching his arms high above his head.

"Damn it," he spat at himself, swinging them back to his sides. He should have been out of there long ago. He did not want Petra to realize that he had come to check on her. He glanced at her and sighed, feeling slightly relieved she was still fast asleep. With a smile, he headed for the door and quietly opened it and shut it. Well, that went easier than he had expected. He began to stroll down the hallway at a leisurely pace, trying to decide what he'd do until Jordan returned with Drake when someone ran right into him. After skidding to the floor, he blinked once or twice and stared up in front of him to see Erik Porter lying on the floor with a pair of crutches rattling beside him as they hit the floor. He slowly stood, cautiously stood. Here was someone he wanted to see even less than Petra. The man who was in love with Jade. A frown formed on his face as Erik looked up at him venomously, shaking with anger. Nonetheless he held out an open hand for him, wearing half a smile.

However Erik slapped Damien's hand away, snapping, "Are you serious?" Then he proceeded to get himself up off the floor with a great difficulty using his crutches so that he was almost standing eye level with Damien.

"So you can walk," Damien commented, barely thinking about the words leaving his lips an unusual happening. He was busy studying the crutches. So Erik had one broken leg? Seemed lucky for an entire chandelier falling on top of him. Damien sighed, slightly disappointed in himself. He wished that he had killed him. It should have been easy. He did make a living out it, didn't he? It irritated him more than he wanted to admit  that Erik was still alive. He had a feeling that he'd turn out to be more of a nuisance in the future than Damien would like to deal with.

"Yes, Damien, thank you for so generously noticing," Erik hissed. Damien smiled as his attention returned to Erik, whose face was turning as red as a tomato. "Do you realize that you nearly killed me?"

So he knew that he had commanded Drake to kill him. Damien laughed at himself. He probably should have gathered that earlier from the man's foul temper. They'd never really gotten along well, but then again they hardly ever saw one another. This however was much different from not getting along. This was pure hatred. Damien was all too familiar with it to mistake it for anything else. He laughed again, harder this time, of course Erik would hate him. He had tried to kill him after all. Why deny it?

"Are you laughing at me?" Erik growled as if he could threaten Damien.

"I-" Damien began through a smile, but was cut short by a terrible screaming from down the hall. He frowned and looked around. Why was nobody else in the hallway all of a sudden? The screaming seemed to be coming from Petra's room and even though he didn't want to risk her seeing him he rushed to her room's door, completely forgetting about Erik. However it was locked and the screaming and crying was getting louder. He began to bang on the door, yelling "Open the fucking door!"

However no one did. Her power was stronger than his, but that didn't stop him from banging on the metal over and over, even though he knew it was to no avail. 

Spent forever looking for the 45 second playing of the Bach, wanted the super fast one. You go Glen Gould. You play that piano accelerando

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