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There had to be a better, more efficient way of finding Jade! The further Drake was dragged through Damien's history the more he lost hope not only for her, but for himself as well. Now Damien was seventeen and Lyra fourteen. It seemed that within just one year of pretending to be falling head over heels for Damien, Lyra had actually formed feelings for him although she was quite skilled at hiding them. Well, that or Damien just didn't pay her enough attention to notice.

"So," Amon smiled at her as they all sat together eating at the table, "how's the high life been treating you?"

Lyra glanced at him disdainfully, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear casually. She clearly didn't like him. The last time they had been together they had argued themselves into a screaming match. Needless to say the tension was still tight between them. "Couldn't be better," she stated simply. Then as a gentle sneer wrapped around her face she added, "How's life in the mud?"

"You're a bitch, you know that?" Amon snapped, eyes flashing with rage.

"And you started it," she sighed as if bored. Rolling her eyes to her left, she glanced down the table at Damien, who wasn't even listening to their conversation, but was rather having his own with Dane. She seemed disappointed, but far from shocked.

"You cannot keep doing these things for the king!" Dane snapped at Damien.

"Do I really have a choice though?" Damien smiled, examining the fork that he was twirling in his hand.

"Unless you want to endanger everyone around you, no," Malik hissed. Drake flinched, knowing that the man was only interested in the income that he stole from Damien. "But of course, who am I to think that you actually care about such trivial things."

Damien's smile grew into a grin as he rolled his eyes, ignoring his father. "Well, in any case, I got this for you," he tossed a small bag of something towards Dane.

Raising his eyes to Damien's with a funny look, Dane slowly untied the small purple pouch. Damien leaned back in his chair, his grin only curling further out. "You aren't supposed to transfer things between worlds," Dane scolded him as he pulled the last string, completely undoing the knot. A faint smile slipped onto his face as he peered inside the bag.

"Well, what is it then?" Malik barked before taking a long swig of his drink.

Lyra seemed to be just as curious, "Come on Dane."

Dane's smile dimmed a bit as he rolled his eyes in annoyance at their nosiness. "Thank you."

Damien gave a small nod, letting his laughing eyes glance at the steaming Malik. "I swear," he began to hiss through his red face.

"Oh, calm down father!" Dane snapped at him, reaching into the shallow cave of the pouch to pull out a heavy golden ring. "It's merely a ring."

"Rings are never just rings," Lyra spoke out coldly, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Well, aren't you becoming quite the know it all," Damien finally gave her his attention making her blush a deep pink. "You are correct though. It's a power controlling ring."

"I didn't think that they wor-" she began to say.

"Yes, my darling dearest," Damien snapped angrily, almost as if he were frustrated to just hear her voice, "they don't work on all powers, but they will for Dane's and they just so happen to only be crafted in Monorail. I broke his old one by mistake. Really all of you are so fucking nosy."

"Why, doesn't she know though?" Dane asked calmly as he slowly slipped the ring onto his pointer finger, holding out his hand to examine it. "I thought that she could hear your every thought."

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