Trust Me

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Sighing, Jade followed Petra out of the shaded area and back into the light of the sidewalk. "Where is it that you're taking me?"

Petra did not turn to look at her, but replied, "He's sitting on a bench right over there."

"I don't see anyone. Are you sure he hasn't left?" Jade asked, trying to keep up with her.

Reaching up she grabbed her hood from behind her and pulled it over her face as they walked past a large group of people, "Of course he'll be there. I told him to stay there."

And sure enough there he was, siting on that bench quietly in the loud night waiting for her. Jade had been expecting a man, but it was a young boy around the age of ten who was sitting on that bench smiling meekly at Petra. This boy was crazed? Jade eyed him closely he seemed normal enough and the chances that Petra had lied outweighed that of this poor thin boy being a maniac.

"Come on then," Petra said warmly to him, reaching out a hand to him, "I've spoken to my friend and he says he knows somewhere safe, but you'll have to meet him first. I swear you'll be fine though. I mean I'm in just as much danger as you are in crowds."

The boy's smile flickered and he glanced between Petra's outstretched hand and Jade's curious eyes. "So then who is she?" He asked boldly. "What exactly can she do?"

Petra smiled at him, clearly vexed. She was in a hurry, but she bit back her frustration and purred kindly, "This is my friend Jade. She's here to help. She's in the same boat with us. She time travels. God knows what people can do with that."

The boy's baby-blue eyes wandered to Jade, but this time approvingly and he took Petra's hand finally. Clutching it tightly as he shook from fear. Petra smiled. Now he was in her trap and couldn't escape. Thankfully, Jade had caught on like she had expected and wasn't making a sound.

It didn't take them very long to get back to where they had been standing with Damien earlier and once they had entered the building, the boy's trembling increased with each passing second. "Jade," Petra said to her, "where are they?"

"Go to the left," she sighed, clearly not pleased with what they were doing. However, Petra had her own doubts that Jade even knew the half of it.

Petra coughed as the heavily perfumed air choked her, making her eyes water. Music was blaring and there was no escaping it's pounding sound. The hallway was gloomy with smoke and people high off something running around, chasing each other screaming in their craze. There was barley any light even though the lights were on and the red carpet below and the white walls that seemed to be closing in on her somehow were the only things guiding Petra except Jade's shaking voice, drifting through that thick grey air. "It's the next," cough, "door."

Petra's fingers squeezed the boy's small hand closer into hers, "Don't be afraid," she muttered. With her other, hand she reached out and opened the door, where Dane met them as expected.

"Come in, quickly," he said urging them in, taking hold of the small boy's shoulder just as he had Petra's earlier. His trembling almost immediately stopped and a calm washed over him. "Jade," he said after gently guiding the boy further into the room, "you should go up with Blair and Amon. Trust me."

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