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Walking out into the cold snowy forest, Jade began to make the first steps of a long journey. The snow was coming down hard and hitting her in the eye almost making it impossible see as she made her way into the forest. It was dark and animals could be heard all around, but nothing seemed to frighten her any more, well that was until she heard cussing and screaming out in the distance. Her entire body froze as she realized those screams were familiar. Putting a hand to her mouth and sucking in the freezing air hard through her pressed lips she understood that she now had two options. Find out why Damien was in the middle of the forest in the snow, screaming like he was dying or to be free and leave him. She shook her head at her idiocy. There was only one option. As always. She rolled her eyes, accepting her fate.

Taking a few steps forward, she peeked around the nearest tree quickly, readying herself for the worst, but unfortunately the worst wasn't enough. Restraining a scream, she buried her face in her hands and hid behind the tree once more.

"Who's t-there?" Came a raspy voice, dying voice.

Jade didn't dare to respond. She wanted to leave the icy cold forest behind like a nightmare that never had actually happened, but . . .

"Come out," his voice commanded with all of the power he could put into it.

No matter how hard she tried to control her body, her legs moved her forward out of hiding. She closed her eyes, knowing that she couldn't bear the sight in front of her.

"J-Jade!" Damien sputtered, probably on his own blood Jade thought with a shudder. He laughed even though Jade couldn't imagine the pain it caused him or maybe he had been in so much pain that he was numb to it. A few shouts and curses later assured Jade that he was in as much pain as she was assumed. His face would have told her that he was in more though, if only she could have looked.

"G-great!" He said, his teeth chattering, once he was done cursing. "N-now I'm sure to d-die out here in the freezing cold."

Jade knelt down in the snow and ran her hands through her thick hair damp from the snow, trying to build up the courage to open her eyes.

"What the hell are you d-doing?" Damien spat out at her. "Do you want to f-freeze to death out here too? Go ahead. Run away."

With a loud groan Jade flashed her eyes wide open, clutching the soft fabric of her dress so hard that it tore. The very first thing her eyes met were Damien's looking back at her with surprise. He clearly hadn't expected her to do that.

She wanted to leave him out there to die in the cold so much. She hated him so terribly for all he had ever put her through, but he was Drake's father at the same time and he had already lost one parent even if Damien wasn't much of a father any ways.

"And what do you think you're going to do?" Damien lashed out at her as she stood up trembling. She looked straight ahead into the darkness, not daring to even glance at his broken body. As she walked towards him, she could begin to smell the rank, rusty smell of his blood.

Taking in a deep breath, she gathered her courage to finally look down at him. Immediately she tore her eyes away from him just as before. The image burned in the back of her eyes. The deeply torn flesh, the pools of blood, limbs nearly ripped in two. Slowly she knelt down in the snow again. Then reaching behind her unfastened her cloak and began to take it off.

Damien who had been watching her closely even though he was probably about to loose consciousness at any moment, now shouted, "No! Stop it! You can't!"

"Why not? Do you want to die!" She shouted back louder and looking him in the eye more fiercely. "You barley have a shirt left. You are about to freeze to death."

He turned his head away from her, furious. With trembling hands she held out the cloak. "Can you sit up?"

"N-no," he replied, "you'll h-have to m-move me, but you can't because you're afraid of blood. S-so just leave. . . I'd rather die alone than with you."

He said it so mockingly, so full of hatred that she took the cloak and buried her face in it, trying to regain herself before she cried.

"L-leave," he said again, but this time he was trying to force her to. However, he was too weak and his power had no control over her.

"No," she said defiantly as she lifted her face from the material. He eyed her through his sleepy eyes with a faint peaceful smile. It was probably because he was about to black out though.

She edged closer to him and grabbed his undamaged shoulder and pulled him towards her. He screamed so loudly and with such agony. That Jade's whole body froze. His scream died down to a deep rumble in his throat and he fell onto her his energy completely drained.

She told herself over and over to just swing his arm over her shoulder and stand up. Just do it. Jade do it! But she couldn't bring herself to do it and the longer she waited the harder it became. She felt his warm blood seeping through her dress drenching her skin as his rough breathing played in the air, urging her body to shut down. Her vision was beginning to darken and even so it would be easier if she just blacked out.

Yet she hadn't come all the way out there to die, stubbornly she fought her body and Damien's screams and stood up with him leaning on her. He put as much weight as he could on his one good leg, but he was still heavy. She felt as if the ground had arms and was pulling her into it by her shoulders. How could she move like this?

"I-I don't k-know how t-to get y-you back," she admitted through the freezing cold.

He was quiet with his head dropping toward the ground, crimson red blood drooling from his mouth melting into the white snow. Jade was about to decide that he had passed out, when he said without moving a muscle, "That's what I was trying to explain to you my love, but-"

"Oh shut-up," she interrupted him, trembling from the cold. She could get him to the mansion and she would. Taking a deep breath, she began to walk slowly with his body draped over her. They weren't too terribly far out, far less than a quarter of a mile.

By the time she could see the lights of the mansion, his blood was dripping in her hair, down her face, and she was doing everything she could without hands to keep it out of her mouth. However, when she reached the door, she couldn't have cared less, she only had one goal in her mind and that was to get to the door. Once she had, she banged on the wooden frame and collapsed, gasping for air, leaving deep red bloody hand print stains that weren't hers all over the icy stone.

The next thing she knew was "What the hell?"

"Get him inside!" The warm weight was lifted off her.


And the softest whisper, "Help her, idiot!"

But then every sound blurred together in a swirl of noise and the darkness consumed her vision.

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