Acting Childish

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Dane and Damien took Jade with them to an aquarium once their luggage had been given to one of Damien's servants to take to his house with Amon and Drake. It reminded her a lot of Monorail, but maybe that's why the two had brought her there. It wasn't in Damien's character though.

"So why are we here?" She asked the moment after Dane had paid for their tickets.

"I'm meeting someone," Damien growled. He didn't seemed pleased that she was there.

Dane sighed and looked up at the dome ceiling above them, where they stood in the main entrance. "I thought that it would be enjoyable. You've never been to an aquarium have you or well not that you could remember any ways."

She shook her head, finding herself a bit curious about it, but her mind fell back on Damien soon enough, "Who are you meeting?"

"The Taurus King," he muttered with a sigh, letting his eyes drift through the crowd moving around them as they began to notice him and realize who he was. "We should keep moving."

"Yes," Dane replied, gently grabbing Jade's hand in his and walking forwards.

Jade looked around. There were fake whales and dolphins hanging from the high ceiling so that it looked like they were swimming through the air and around the lightly lit circular foyer.

"Come on," Dane urged her as he pulled her towards him. They then followed a current of people drifting down into a dimly lit tunnel-like hallway. She suddenly felt nervous as they were shoved about between the rounded narrow walls.

"Is that The King's advisor?" People's voices began to echo around her as they tried to push their way past Dane to get to him.

"For god's sake!" Damien growled under his breath. It was almost pitch black now. He somehow managed to slip behind Dane and Jade and directed them into a hidden passage in the wall. The voices echoed away from them as they were suddenly thrown into an eerie blue light shinning out from a massive glass aquarium in front of them. It was at least two stories high.

Jade's eyes must have widened to twice their normal size. A million different fish swirled around just behind the glass it was like there was an entire different world in front of her. She smiled as Damien led them to a tall muscular man dressed in a dark green suit leaning against the glass watching them cooly.

He smiled at Damien and eyed him with his dark beady eyes. "Lord Damien," he held out a massive hand towards him. His voice was gravely and came out in a deep growl. He reminded Jade of a monster.

Damien tilted his head and took the hand with his own slender ringed hand. "King Toro."

Then his eyes fell onto Dane and Jade, "Who have you brought with you?"

"My brother and um," he paused with a frown, "adopted daughter."

"Come," he smiled again. He had a creepily wide mouth. Honestly Jade was terrified of him. "Let's sit over there."

It was a table with six seats right beside the glass. Holding her hand tighter Dane guided her to the table. She was the closest to the glass with Dane beside her and Damien beside him. The King sat across from Dane. There was a dead silence until the King laughed deeply. "Well, then I guess we'll just get to it."

Jade's eyes traced him, his olive skin, short dark hair, the gold ring in his nose and his expensive dark green suit. Then she glanced at Damien who was smiling, but whose hair looked like it was standing on edge. He was also dressed in a suit but his was pure black. "Yes, let's," he replied.

"You're unique. You know that," he began never allowing his eyes to leave Damien. "Not a being in all of the world's shares your power. To put it simply I want you."

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