3 / nothing else matters

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I bury my face in my bloody hands as we drive off to the hospital. Jade lays in pain and all I can do is sit by her. I rest my head on Ally's shoulder as I cry. Her arm sits around my waist and all I want is to be at the hospital. Now.

The sirens wail and in the inside I'm screaming and shouting. On the outside I'm cursing anything under my breath. My heart aches, my eyes hurt and all my hope and faith is buried deeply inside for me to get to. Seconds, minutes and my heart breaks the longer I'm in here. I can't lose the only person that I've done everything with.

"We're here babe." Ally softly says.

I raise my head and my press my palms against each side of my head. The am-bulance stops and I sit in frustration. I need them to move!  I could scream, I could shout but that has no use. That wouldn't healing my dying wife. Not long after the doors fly open and I hope out. The paramedics pull Jade out and I hear my name being called out. Ally gives me a soft smile as a pair of arms wrap around me. More tears leave my eyes and I'm comforted with a soft kiss.

Luke's lips leave my cheek and I break down in front of him. Jade is rolled into the emergency entrance and I watch her wave me goodbye. My head shakes furiously and Luke presses a kiss on my hair as he squeezes me tighter, "I'm so sorry." he whispers, a tear rolling out his ocean blue eyes.

"It's not your fault." I cry. He turns me around and we're face to face. He takes my hands and rubs his thumbs against the back of my hands. "If I knew this could happen - If I just knew I could've come with and... and maybe it would've been me instead." he explains.

"Luke, you getting shot wouldn't have made a difference," I start. "You're my best friend, my brother, the one who's been by my side since god knows how long. I wouldn't stand losing you as much as I would with Jade. I love you, I love her. If I ever lost one of you I'd lose my mind." I tell him in response.

Ally steps forward and rubs the small of my back, "Do you want to go inside?" I shake my head. Everything happened before my eyes and if I sit and wait any longer I wouldn't think twice about busting into the surgery and letting all my anger pour out onto the poor doct-or. I'm not afraid to do that.

But the thought of Jade reacting to my own actions when she's well wouldn't be very pretty. She doesn't like it when I pour all my anger out and blame shit on other people. I mean I could but why would I want to?


It's one am and I'm on the cold white tiles. My back rests against the wall and my head sits on Luke's shoulders. I fiddle with his fingers as Ally paces around the room like a mother.

"Ally, just sit down." I say.

"I'm just worried." she answers.

"You act like you're her wife." I half laugh. Luke chuckles beside me and I feel a heavy weight lift off my chest. It felt great but there was still so much more pain in me. What had me on the edge the most was the double doors. There was one of two things that could happen when those doors fly open. The goods news or the bads news.

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