21 / bad things

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The three of us are sat at the table. Jade beside me and Luke right across. Under the table Jade holds my hand as we watch Luke consume his ham and cheese toastie. "So," he starts. "What did you two gays get up to yesterday?" Luke asks us. Jade bites her bottom lip and tries to hid her laughter behind her smile. I just sat and closed my eyes, my cheeks heating slowly as the silence quickly turned into a laughter fest. "It's always you," I laugh. "Always."

"What I'm thinking now," Luke asks, "It's what I think you did isn't it?" he finishes. "Well it's not like we did anything else." Jade says, her straight face quickly becoming a small grin. "Well damn daniel." Luke laughs. I roll my eyes and flipped him off, "Choke, I tell him. "Finish your food before I shove it down your throat."
Without another word leaving his lips Luke continues to eat his sandwich. "Anyway, I'm gonna go check on Bella." I add. Jade nods and presses a soft kiss on my cheek before I stood up from my chair and headed over towards Bella's room.

I opened the door quietly and found her peacefully sleeping in her cot. Smiling, I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. Cool air touched my skin and I felt a shiver run up my spine. It was odd. It shouldn't be cold in here. My brows furrow and I notice the curtains floating mid-air. The door was open. Slowly, quietly and carefully I walked towards the door, the cold air riding up my body, making me slightly shiver. In seconds I found myself a step away from the open door. Suddenly, I heard a quiet whisper that made me jump. The voice sounded familiar.

It sounded like Zayn. What was he doing here? What about Lauren? Confused, I took another step as he whispered again, "I need to talk to you." I shake my head, "And this was your only way of getting my attention? You could've called, texted... probably even emailed. Wha - why are you sneaking into my house like a thief for?" I question. He sighs, "Perrie, it's more complicated then that. I couldn't have just called you. Just listen to what I have to say? Please." he begs.

For the next half an hour I spent my time with Zayn to listen to the important things he had to say. He was right. This wasn't a situation we could go over through text or a phone call. This was mad serious. But I also had questions I wanted to ask him. "But why would he ask you to do this?" You have no relation to him whatsoever." I finish. Zayn shakes his head, "He didn't say much. I have as much questions towards him as you do to me. I don't want to this to you. It's wrong. Like what if you run away with Jade and Bella?" he sighs. "As much as that plan sounds good I feel like he'd still get to me. We don't know what he's capable of yet. Who would've thought though..." I chuckle half heartedly. "That he'd holding you up for ransom." Zayn finishes.

"Exactly." I say. "I just - I'm gonna leave them behind and I don't think Jade can bring up Bella all along. We don't even know how long he'll hold me captive for. Zayn you're the only one who knows about this. Promise me you'll check on them for me from time to time."

Zayn nods, "Hey, of course. Just remember to meet me at the end of the road at midnight. Make sure Jade's fast asleep. If she sees you you're dead meat baby girl. I told Lauren about it though. Not telling her would be the biggest mistake you could ever do her. Lauren means so much to me. She's gonna help us if we need it. She's soft but she's bad ass," Zayn chuckles. "That's what I love about her." he smiles.

"She took it well?" I giggle. He shrugs. "Well she through her hair brush at me when I told her but the end she kinda understood. At least it wasn't the ring you know." he says. "Damn, Zauren would be dead," I say. "Deceased."

"Well it's been a while," Zayn says, "I should probably head off. Jade's probably getting suspicious. Don't forget. And be careful." he smiles. I nod and watched Zayn jump down the balcony. Ok but since when was he a ninja? Before I walked off I locked the french doors and checked on Bella once more. I pressed a kiss on her forehead softly and left the room.

When the door opened, heads turned and the two smiled at me, "Miss me?" I chuckle. Jade shook her head, "You were in there quite a while." she said. "Yeah, I was just checking on Bella and I fell asleep on the chair. I didn't realise how long I slept for. Sorry about that."
Jade giggles, "It's ok. It's only been half an hour. Did you not get enough sleep last night?"

"Probably not. She had you preoccupied didn't she?" Luke grinned. I rolled my eyes and threw the nearest object at him. Luckily for him it was the tea towel Jade had been using to dry the dishes, "Be grateful that it wasn't anything other than a towel, Hemmings." I say.

"Oh, trust me. I am. More than grateful." he joked. "Why am I even best friends with you. You're such a fuck." I say. "Yeah," he laughs. "That you love to death. Don't you?" he asks.
This boy was literally gonna be the death of me. I walk over to the couch and pinched his cheeks, "Whatever loser. Hope you choke and I hope you die while thinking of all your sins."

"Nah you love me to much to see me go." he softly. He's right. I love him a lot. If ever I find myself losing my best friend, my brother, the sibling I never had, my partner in crime... I don't know I could carry on and let the good times roll. He's been around nearly my entire life and if he suddenly disappears ...

I shake the disgusting thoughts out of my head and brang myself back into reality. Today was a day that again will change everything. Leaving my family behind was not what I expected. But then again my life has been full of accidents and a foot load of pure and utter shit since our anniversary. Nothing but near death experi-
ences and pure old bad luck. That's it. This was going to be the continuation of this never ending carousel. It keeps going round and round. Eventually it will stop. But when? I need answers. Because this wasn't the life I imagined to have when I was a teenager hoping to someday marry the love of my life . It's like my life was some sort of madhouse or possibly a carnival. Trust me when I say this but the kind of carnival I'm taking about is the ones you would see in those horror movies. The ones you dread to watch, the ones that terrify you.
In my carnival you see many happy faces. Rides that begin to extend your smile... just like any other carnival. Then you ride the carousel. It brings back the feeling of your youth.

After all that has happened these past few months something as harmless and simple as a carousel could be the epitome of bad luck. It just goes round and round until it stops.

"Perrie. Perrie. Hey, are you ok?" I snap from my thoughts. I zoned out again. I turn my face, only to see a concerned Jade and Luke. "Sorry," I aplogise. "Just thinking of good video ideas for your channel." I lie. She didn't seem too convinced as I wanted her to be, "You sure?" Luke asks." I nod. "Baby, are you hiding something?" Jade asks me. How I hate lying to her. "No way," I lie. "Why would I ever lie to that face? I'm not that kinda girl."

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