15 / walking in the wind

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"I thought you were gonna be home you cheeky little bitch." Jade laughs. I nod, "I know. But Luke took me to the carnival. He said he wanted to give me a great day and I didn't want to refuse. Besides a little fun wouldn't hurt, right?" I ask. Jade giggles through the other end. I could tell that she had a smile on her face, "As long as you come home with the biggest smile on your face then what right do I have to be a party pooper. I love you." she coos."

"I love you too," I giggle. "Give Bells a kiss for me will you? I'll be home soon."
I explain as I walk through the cool air. Walking in the wind is probably my favourite thing to do. Jade ends the call and I take in the bright and colourful surroundings of the carnival. The air brushes against my skin and I take in the happy faces and family around me. Luke grabs my hand and smiles at me. Smiling back, Luke points over to the carousel right across from where we are, "Let's go on the carousel. You in?" he smiles. I nod, "I'm up for anything."

The smile on his face grows and I'm at ease. Not only did I put a smile on my own face but I also put one of my best friend. Luke drags me to the line and we take out our tickets. The round ends and everyone starts hopping off. The line in front of us begins to move and we walk. Soon we were both on a horse side by side. Now I can finally have memory to tell my children in the future. Of the day I spent reliving my youth with my best friend. Music begins to play and the ride starts.

We both raise our arms and laughed as we began to live in the moment. Kids family and friends were everywhere. And I couldn't be more than happy to be sharing this day with him. Minutes into ride I begin to feel something strange. I face Luke and he notices. At this very second my heart begins to race. Luke's horse begins to go up and down uncontrollably. Fear begins to rush through me as my horse begins to unscrew from the ground. My life begins to flash before my eyes. Is this it? Was this my few last breaths on earth. Was this the last time I would hear Jade's voice, touch her, see her, make her feel loved. What about my daughter? Was Jade left to look after her on her own. My mind begins to
fill up with the most ridiculous things. Luke reaches for my hand and we both grip each other tightly as the entire ride goes off into a death pool. Kids begin to cry, parents are telling them that we'll be "ok." , friends are getting emotional. I don't know what to think anymore.

Within another ten seconds I feel my body fall off. Luke screams and shouts as he holds me tight. I'm going to die. Luke shakes his head and yells at the operater. "Stop the fucking ride!" he yells. Luke leans and I'm begging him to stop. He shakes his head and continues to pull me up. But it is no use. The ride continues to operate and I'm close to hitting the ground. As soon as the ride stops it ends with a hard impact. I'm thrown off the ride and my vision blacks out....


I squint my eyes and I let myself get used to the lighting. I gaze down and I find a hand intertwined with mine. When I look up my eyes land on Jade. The sheet around her was wet. She had been crying. A knock comes from the door and I give a weak, "Come in."

"Jade," A familiar voice calls. "I didn't know what - Perrie," Lauren smiles. I didn't know you were awake. I have some food. Do you want anything? Are you ok? Do you want the nurse? Let me help you up and -"

"Lauren," I say. "Breathe." I tell her. She nods and walks up to me. A smile on her face as I engulf her in a big hug.
"How are you feeling?" she asks me.
"I'm well. How long have I been here for?" I ask. She clears her throat, "Two days. All you got from the accident was bruises and scars. Jade was so happy that nothing as bad had happened to you. Especially after her coma. When she got the call she thought nothing but horrible horrible things."

I nod," Yeah... how is he?" Lauren bites her lip and gives me a faint smile," Is he... g-gone?" I stutter. Lauren shakes her head, "No no of course not. He's just badly hurt. He's in the ICU. The doctor thought it would be best if he didn't have any visitors for now. Let him rest ya know." she explains. "Oh, yeah of course. He needs all the rest he can get. Do you know when we can drop by?" I smile. I'm keen to see the tall guy. Although it's been nothing but 48 hours I miss the boy. I want to see him. I don't even remember what happened after I fell. I just blacked out.

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