14 / by the campfire

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A smile paints across my face and laughter leaves my lips as Luke carries me on his back. He heads towards the woods and I am fascinated by the nature that surrounded me. Just in the time, the sun begins to set and we arrive at our camping spot. After that horrid dream this morning I decided to spend my whole day with Luke. Although the sound of having a private show with Jade was on top of my list I couldn't help but take this oppurtunity and head out into the wild with my best friend. Some part of that dream felt so real. It was like a snapshot of the future. There was just something about it that had me on edge and way too bothered. But that's why I'm here.

After what's been happening to me and the people in my life, I just want to spend time with all of them. It makes me realise things. You may never know what may happen. The thought of losing the boy that has been by me all this years is probably too much. I'd lose it and thinking about it now... it wouldn't be easy for me to get over it. If anything bad happened to Luke, Jade or Bella will have me in a total outrage.

Before I know it Luke stops and I jump off of him. I take the bag off my shoulders and placed it on the ground. Luke gives me a smile and bends down to prepare the tent, "Do don't seem too happy. If you didn't want to do this we didn't really have to. It's ok if you wanna head back and do something else." Luke says. He's too sweet. I shake my head in response and giggled, "I'm very honoured to be here Hemmo. I'm just in need of a reality check. I just keep dozing off into a world of darkness. We should probably get this place set up. And then maybe we can talk about it. It might help me." I say.

He nods and begins to build up the tent. I on the otherhand decided to take some time off to check on my girls. I take my phone out of my pocket and I press down on the home button. The screen illuminates and shows a photo of Jade with Bella right after the two met. I smile and watched my phone unlock. My fingers swipe across the screen and I enter my contacts.

The cold phone screen presses against my ear and I listen to it ring. In under eight seconds I'm filled with joy.

"Hey, how are you both?" I ask. Jade giggles on the other end and my heart feels like it could burst from her overload of cuteness. "We're great. Bella just went to sleep. I'm about to -" Jade yawns and excuses herself. "I'm sorry about that." she laughs. I smile, "It's fine. Maybe leave the work you have for tomorrow. Get some rest and I'll be there before you know it. I love you, Thirlwall." I say. "I love you more, Edwards. Stay safe for me and Bells."

"For you both I'll always will be. As cheesy as that sounds I have to go. I'll see you both tomorrow." I say.

I end the call and put my phone into my pocket. I sigh and watch the sun set in front of me. By the time I turn my face Luke had already got the tent up. But not only that. He had our sleeping bags ready, food prepared onto a blanket and honestly... I'm not surprised. Luke has always been this way. Ready before I can even say "let's go."

"The Flash or Hemmo?," We may never know." I laugh as I stand up and hugged him from behind, "Love you big time." I say as he presses his hands against mine and gives me a warm smile. "Love you too. Now why don't we have something to eat. Then if you want we can binge on The Vampire Diaries or something. Sounds good?"

"Feels good," I laugh. "Now we eat cause I'm starving. I could eat a cow."
Luke laughs and shakes his head as we both take a seat on the picnic blanket. "You're always hungry. Nothing new." Luke says as he takes a grape and throws it at my face, "How boyfriendish of you." I laugh. He nods, "Too bad your Geordie ass is taken." he jokes.

"Maybe save the grapes for later and why don't we eat the barbeque." I laugh. Luke agrees and takes a barbecue stick for me and himself.

After we had consumed as much as we could, we lay across the blanket as the fire crackles beside us and the stars glow. Luke's laptop sits on top of his chest and we quietly watch the show.

"Luke..." I coo. Luke pauses the show and turns to face me. "Yeah, princess?" I clear my throat and asked, "Where would you think we'd be in let's say twenty years?"

"Quite the question," he chuckles. "Well, in the coming years I can definitely see you with Jade living the life. Bella would have graduated and who knows maybe you'll have another little one. Perhaps a boy. You'll both be with successful with your jobs. And you all with be the family you always wanted ever since. I however will be with my partner in crime, we'll have a baby boy and just have a great life in general. Why'd you ask?"

I shrug in my spot, "I just wanna know what you think of the future."  He nods, "I'm sure it'll be anything but bad things. I'm sure of that." he says.

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