28 / waste the night

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The next few hours are spent listening to the boys EP, jamming out to songs through the built in speakers, writing songs and just bonding in general. I had gotten to know Michael and Calum really well and like Ashton had said, they were really nice.

Bella sits on the floor, beside Michael as she danced around to the music. She had gotten really well with the boys and I loved that they were able to make her smile. As I sit on the couch I receive a call. It was from Jade.

With a smile, I pick up the phone and answered. In front of me, I watch Michael and Bella. Calum rests his head on Bella's lap as he takes a nap and they play with his hair.

"Hey, how's my hard working girl doing?"

She giggles over the phone, "I'm at home. Just got back. And by the amount of quiet in this house I guess all of you are out?" she asks.

"Yeah and it's a long story. I'm at Luke and Ashton's studio." I announce. Over the phone I could tell she had a confused expression written all over her face. I would've been the same if it was the other way around between us both, "Studio?" she asks me.

"I'll send you the address. When you get here you'll figure it out yourself." I explain.

"I love you."

I giggle, "And I love you more baby."

"So much."


"I'll see you soon."

"You too. Don't keep me waiting though." I answer. Over the phone I hear her laugh. I would die to hear it as much as I could. Her laugh was contagious and I loved that.

"I'll leave you be."

"Bye." I finish before she ends the call and I put my phone away. "Was that the love of your life?" Michael smiles. I nod. "It was." I say.

"Can't wait to meet her in person."

Luke and Ashton join us.

"You'll love her." Ashton says.

"She's like a living disney princess." Luke adds.

"And she's my everything," I smile. "The way she smiles, the sound of her laugh, the way Jade hides behind her hands when she's embarrassed. It's all so adorable." I giggle.

"And I'm sure there's more to it?" Calum asks as he sits up and rubs his eyes. I nod.

"There definitely is."

When Jade had arrived I engulfed her in a giant hug. Her arms wrap around me and I'm home. A smile appears on my face as her soft tender lips press against my forehead. "How's my girl doing?"

I lift my chin up and pressed a kiss on the tip of her nose, making her smile, "I'm great. Bella was just being herself and I met two new wonderful people. Come," I instruct. I take her hand in mine and I bring her to the centre of the room where everyone else was.

"Jade," I start as the boys bring their attention to us. Bella sits on Calums lap and I couldn't be any more happier. Everyone was getting along so well. "First of, this is Calum. He's the third oldest of the four. He's also a bass player."

Calum smiles and takes Jade's hand. They shake hands and exchanged smiles, "Nice to meet you, Jade. Always wanted to meet you ever since Luke started talking about you. And even more when Perrie did."

Jade giggles, "Wow. I'm flattered. Thank you. But I'm excited to get to know more about you." she finishes. "And lastly," I say. "This is Michael. He's honestly a puppy."

"I can already tell. Your hair especially. It looks so fluffy."

"I've touched it quite a few times already. Honestly can't help it."

We all laugh, "Like Perrie said, I'm Michael. Second oldest member of this shit band. I play the guitar by the way. My hobbies also include being a soft and smol puppy. Nothing interesting bout me."

"Shit aye." Jade laughs.

"I'm kidding. We're pretty decent."

"Amazing, Michael. Amazing."

He laughs," Yeah. If you say so."

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