24 / gonna get better

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My hand meets the side of Harry's face and all my anger towards him pours out of me, "You fucking son of a bitch," I spit. "I can't believe you. I hope you rot in hell - where you belong."

"I'm sorry." he apologises. I shake my head, "Your sorry won't fix what you've done. You've done so much to me that I have no intention to ever forgive you." I explain.

Luke stays with Perrie as she snuggles into his chest and cries, "I warned you Styles," Luke shouts. "and now I want you in hell more than ever. Look at what you have done!" he adds.

"Well look at you," he chuckles. "Perrie's all snuggled up into your chest like you're hers."
"Don't bring Luke into this!," I shout. "He's much different from you. He loves Perrie as a sibling. Stop trying to throw the topic
away from you. Actually don't even bother opening your mouth again. I'm leaving."

I turn around and I run to Perrie. Tears stream down her face as she faces me and buries herself between the crook of my neck, "I wanna go home," she whispers. "I don't like it here."
I nod, "I know you don't baby. C'mon let's go."

I take her hand and walked her out. The sun was just about to rise and the view couldn't be any more beautiful. But I had to get her away from here, before I have the nerve to do anything to Harry. Luke follows us out with Zayn shortly after with worry all over his face.

"Is she ok?" Zayn asks. I nod and unlocked the car. "Let's head home and talk about it more." The boys nod and I open the car door for her. Perrie jumps in the passenger seat and I close the door. I watch her as she presses her head against the window and closes her eyes.


"Zayn, what happened. What did he do to her?"
The four of us sit in the lounge as we discussed the events that had happened over the last few hours. Luke and Zayn sat on the opposite side while I sat with Perrie. Our fingers were intertwined as she slept peacefully on my lap.

"At first I thought he was gonna fuck with her honestly. He hand this black lace lingerie he wanted her to put on." Zayn started.

"And he didn't end up fucking her?" I ask.

He shook his head, "When you called Perrie all he asked her to do was to put you on speaker... and talk to you. If she agreed to do that then he'd let her go," Zayn chuckled. "I'm quite surprised though. He put all this effort to blackmail me and set Perrie for ransom..."

"And all it took was to hear Jade's voice to let her go." Luke finished.  I shake my head. I don't ger him. He made my mind spin in several directions. "I don't know what to say."

"Me too." Zayn said.

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