5 / i miss you and i can't sleep

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I pull the covers onto my body as my head rests on Luke's chest. His chest rises and falls as I close my eyes. He takes my hand into his and I feel his lips softly press against it making me smile. With his presence I feel safe.
Not long after I feel the sleep wash over me. I miss her and I want her here.

The next morning my eyes shoot open from the noise outside. I sit up straight, ready to fight whoever had decided to sneak inside. As the door creaks open my eyes land on the tall figure I imme-
dietly recognise as Luke, "What the hell?,"I laugh. He turns to face me and chuckles as he walks over with a tray of food. "You didn't break anything?"

Luke shakes his head, "Not a thing Ma'am. Surprising actually." he says. I nod. I couldn't agree more. Luke sits the tray in front of me and smiles, "I don't really know what Jade would make you so I just went with the pancake recipe stuck by the fridge."

I smile, "That's what she makes."

"Really?" he laughs.

"I'm not lying."

"I know you aren't." he smiles.

I take the cutlery into my hands as I licked my lips. My knife drives into the pancake and slides down perfectly. I stab the piece with a fork and let it into mouth, "Damn Hemmings," I chuckle. "It tastes exactly like Jade's. Good on you. I feel like you brang her presence into the room." I add. He smiles and takes a strawberry from the tray.

"If I have to take on her role until she's awake then I will," he smiles. "Of course not what you do in bed of course. But everything in general other than that part of her job." he laughs.

"I wouldn't like it anyway even if we tried. I don't like dick remember. I like what I like." I smirk. He rolls his eyes and stuffs the left over of his strawberry into my mouth, "What the fuck!" I laugh as I pull away and swallowed his piece of fruit. Luke forms a warm smile and so do I. It's been a while since we last spent a lot of time together. All of us has had busy lives and there's barely any time to meet up or hang out. Work here, work there... the work Jade ends up have me do. Not that I don't like the work. I'd do it as much as time permits. She's a hard worker .... in bed.

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